Sunday, November 24, 2024

"I AM The Alpha And The Omega."

 "... and from JESUS CHRIST, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, the ruler of the kings of the earth.
To HIM who loves us, and has washed away our sins with HIS own blood, making us a kingdom, and priests for GOD, HIS FATHER,
to HIM, be the glory and power, for ever and ever.  Amen.

See, HE comes with the clouds, and everyone will see HIM, even those who pierced HIM; on HIS account, all the nations of the earth will beat their breast.  Yes.  It will be so.
'I AM the Alpha and the Omega,' says the LORD GOD, 'the one who is, and who was, and who is to come: the Master of the universe.'"
Revelation 1:5-8

(The one who is and who was, and who is to come.  This way of naming GOD expands what was revealed to Moses: "I AM who AM' [Exodus 3].  The living GOD is a GOD who is coming.

Then CHRIST is presented as the Messiah and Judge hoped for by the Jews.  HE comes with the clouds.  In HIS trial, JESUS also referred to this text of the prophet Daniel [7:13].

All the nations of the earth will lament HIM.  See this prophecy of the murdered Messiah: "the one they pierced" in Zechariah 12:10.

The Alpha and the Omega [that is A to Z].  This suggests that GOD embraces all time.

Revelation is addressed to Christians who are beginning to suffer for their faith, and shows CHRIST to them, as the model they are imitating.  CHRIST is the "servant and the witness of GOD the FATHER."  Let us not forget that martyr means witness.)

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