Thursday, July 04, 2024

JESUS Calls Matthew

"As JESUS moved on from there, HE saw a man named Matthew at his seat in the customhouse, and HE said to him, 'Follow me.'  And Matthew got up and followed HIM.  Now it happened, while JESUS was at table in Matthew's house, many tax collectors and other sinners joined JESUS and HIS disciples.  When the Pharisees saw this, they said to HIS disciples, 'Why is it that your master eats with those sinners and tax collectors?'
When JESUS heard this, HE said, 'Healthy people do not need a doctor, but sick people do.  Go and find out what this means: What I want is mercy, not sacrifice.  I did not come to call the righteous but sinners'." - Matthew 9:9-13 
(To enter the family of GOD, we must change some of our values.  This conversion is not as conspicuous as participation in devotional practices but is much more valuable.  First, we must liberate ourselves from prejudices by which we classify people.  Let us stop dividing people into good or bad; those we can greet and those we cannot; those we can love and help and those we cannot.  Let us learn that GOD does not hate the rich or the uneducated, those on the left or
 those on the right, for GOD's merciful plan sees to the salvation of all.

The Gospel speaks about the publicans or the tax collectors, who served the foreign powers.  JESUS' nation was under the domination of the Roman Empire, and the tax collectors were Jews who worked for foreigners.

Patriots consider them traitors.  The people knew they filled their pockets; even beggars refused to receive from the publicans.  Yet JESUS did not condemn them but chose one of them, Levi, as one of the apostles, of whom the majority were committed patriots.

The teachers of the Law were like catechists or religion teachers.  They were well versed in religion and admired JESUS teachings, but they did not consider as brothers and sisters the publicans and other sinners [that is to say people who did not fulfill the religious precepts].

Levi is probably the apostle Matthew.  In this case, like Simon, named Peter by JESUS, Levi would have been given the name of Matthew; in Hebrew Mattai means gift of GOD.)


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