Sunday, July 07, 2024

Is HE Not The Carpenter?

"Leaving that place, JESUS returned to HIS own country, and HIS disciples followed HIM.  When the Sabbath came, HE began teaching in the synagogue, and most of those who heard HIM were astonished.  They commented, 'How did this come to HIM?  What kind of wisdom has been given to HIM that HE also performs such miracles?  Who is HE but the carpenter, the son of Mary and the brother of James and Joset and Judas and Simon?  HIS sisters, too, are they not here among us?  So, they took offense at HIM.
And JESUS said to them, 'Prophets are despised only in their own country, among their relatives and in their own family.'  And HE could work no miracles there, but only healed a few sick people by laying HIS hands on them.'  JESUS HIMSELF was astounded of their unbelief." - Mark 6:1-6  
(The brothers and sisters of JESUS are HIS relatives and acquaintances of Nazareth.

How did this come to HIM?  Does this mean that JESUS traveled to other countries in order to get magic powers?

Because HE always lived among them and never did anything extraordinary, they were astonished that, in such a short time, HE became famous throughout Galilee.  In fact they do not know HIM: most of the time people mistakenly believe they know their neighbors.

Prophets are despised only in their own country.  After living with HIM so long and treating HIM like anyone else, how could they suddenly show respect and have faith in HIM?

Who is HE but the carpenter?  The term the Gospel uses is craftsman.  There is no further specification.  Yet the first Christians of Palestine asserted that JESUS was a carpenter.

What kind of wisdom has been given to HIM?  
Many people say that because CHRIST was GOD, HE knew all things, but divine knowledge is nothing less than GOD HIMSELF.  HE knows all at once in an instant that never ends - this is eternity.  On the other hand, humans think in ideas, and do not embrace all at the same time.  That is why, from birth, JESUS had to learn from experience and discover.  Yet HE had a clear awareness that HE was the Son, although at the beginning HE did not have the words to think or express this.

JESUS received HIS human learning from Mary, Joseph, and HIS neighbors in Nazareth.  HE acquired HIS wisdom from the Bible and the culture of HIS people.  Yet the FATHER gave HIM HIS Spirit to judge as GOD does and to recognize GOD in all things.  For HIM [as for us now] what was important was not accumulating data and experiences but to be able to appreciate all that occurred.   JESUS inspired by the Spirit, felt all the realities of life in a different way: this was Wisdom.)      


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