Tuesday, July 02, 2024

World-Wide Call To Praise GOD

Praise YAHWEH, all you nations;
all you peoples, praise HIM.
How great is HIS love for us!
HIS faithfulness lasts forever."
Psalm 117:1. 2

(Less than a quarter of a psalm, but all is there: goodness [grace, favor] and fidelity [truth] that is the truth of GOD.  We can pray with this psalm, keeping in our heart the ecumenical cause.)

Monday, July 01, 2024

JESUS Calms The Storm

"JESUS got into the boat and HIS disciples followed HIM.  Without warning a fierce storm hit the lake, with waves sweeping the boat.  But JESUS was asleep.
They woke HIM and cried, 'LORD save us!  We are lost!'  But JESUS answered, 'Why are you so afraid, you of little faith?'  Then HE stood up and ordered the wind and sea; and it became completely calm.
The people were astonished.  They said, 'What kind of man is HE?  Even the winds and the sea obey HIM'." - Matthew 8:23-27  
(Here JESUS affirms HIS divine power over the forces of evil.  HE is not surprised by the disciples' fear of the tempest, but of their lack of faith; only trust in the victory of JESUS, Son of GOD, over the forces of evil, will allow them to overcome this fear.

GOD shows HIMSELF in a special way: more than a friend, more than a master, JESUS revealed HIMSELF to them in the truth of HIS being.  This fear in discovering GOD so close to them was greater than the fear they had felt during the tempest a few moments earlier.)