Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Doing Good For GOD Alone

"Be careful not to make a show of your good deeds before people.  If you do so, you do not gain anything from your FATHER in heaven.  When you give something to the poor, do not have it trumpeted before you, as do those who want to be noticed in the synagogues and in the streets, in order to be praised by people.  I assure you; they have their reward.

If you give something to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your gift remains really secret.  Your FATHER, who sees what is kept secret, will reward you.

When you pray, do not be like those who want to be noticed.  They love to stand and pray in the synagogues or on street corners, in order to be seen by everyone.  When you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your FATHER who is with you in secret; and your FATHER who sees what is kept secret will reward you." - Matthew 6:1-6  

(After the six opposites ["but I say to you"], Matthew gives us three examples of another secret without which we shall not see GOD: work for HIM alone without wanting anyone to know, and in such a way that we ourselves will have immediately forgotten what we have done.

Those who make a show.  The expression appears three times with reference to good deeds, prayer and fasting.  JESUS uses a word often translated as "being hypocrites," which refers in a general way to those who make a show, or who are shallow, and make fun of the things of GOD.

It is perhaps difficult not to want to be seen by others, but it is far more difficult to do good without looking at oneself and being satisfied because: "I am good."  It is, nevertheless, the way of enabling us to enter into the secrets of GOD.)


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