Saturday, June 01, 2024

By What Authority Do You Act?

"They were once again in Jerusalem.  As JESUS was walking in the temple, the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders came to HIM and asked, 'What authority do YOU have to act like this?  Who gave YOU authority to do the things YOU do?

JESUS said to them, 'I will ask you a question, only one, and if you give ME an answer, then I will tell you what authority I have to act like this.  Was John's preaching in baptism a work of GOD, or was it merely something human?  Answer ME.'
And they kept arguing among themselves.  If we answer that it was a work of GOD, HE will say, 'Why then did you not believe HIM?'  But neither could they answer before the people that the baptism of John was merely something human, for everyone regarded John as a prophet.  So they answered JESUS, 'We don't know,' and JESUS said to them, 'Neither will I tell you what authority I have to act as I do.'" - Mark 11:27-33 
(JESUS did not ask any authorization to teach in the temple, or to drive out the vendors.  HE acted freely as prophets do.  Since the priests were the ones in charge of maintaining the true faith, it was normal for them to check whether JESUS was a real prophet or not.  But were they really concerned about truth?  Were they ready to recognize that JESUS had come from GOD?  Apparently they only thought to defend what was acceptable to them and, before even listening to JESUS, held HIM to be subversive.

That is why JESUS asked them about John the Baptist.   Because John the Baptist's preaching had been the most important happening in the previous two years, the priests should have taken a stand with regard to John.  They had not done so nor were they ready for that.  How could they make demands of JESUS if they spoke out only when it suited them?

JESUS' attitude obliges religious leaders of all times to see if they deserve to have others respect their declarations and condemnations.)


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