Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Prayer For Protection And Forgiveness

  "Teach me YOUR ways, O YAHWEH, make known to me YOUR paths.
Guide me in YOUR truth and instruct me, for YOU are my GOD, my savior; I hope in YOU all day long.
Remember YOUR compassion, O YAHWEH, YOUR unfailing love from of old.
Remember not the sins of my youth, but in YOUR love remember me.
Good and upright, YAHWEH teaches sinners HIS way.
HE teaches the humble of heart and guides them in what is right."
Psalm 25:4-5. 6. 7. 8. 9

(This psalm is a model 'act of contrition.'  It does not try to stir up an emotional sorrow.  It simply states the case, admits the guilt, and asks for mercy.  Can anyone before GOD do more?

Scripture does not know despair.  We can  be broken by sorrow, anxiety, the weight of sin, but there is always an escape.  All our paths, even the worst, can finally lead to a love stronger than all the powers of this world.

In praying this psalm, the psalmist has asked GOD for many favors.  Our prayers like his, have been answered several times by JESUS who in John 14:6 says, "I AM the way, the truth and the life."  And then again, in Matthew 11:28-30, "Come to ME, all of you who...carry heavy burdens...for MY yoke is good and MY burden is light."  In fact, ALL answers have been provided to us by JESUS in the Gospels.  If only we believe!)   

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