Saturday, June 24, 2023

"Do Not Treasure Treasures."

"Do not store up treasure for yourself here on earth where moth and rust destroy it, and where thieves can steal it.  Store up treasure for yourself with GOD, where no moth or rust can destroy nor thief come and steal it.
For where your treasure is, there also your heart will be." - Matthew 6:19-21  
(The Gospel says: "Do not treasure treasures," treasures meaning those savings held in reserve rather than something that is loved.  For centuries the majority of human beings rarely had personal reserves: the family or the clan took charge of the reserve in times of adversity.  Today each one is in charge of his own resources; it is perhaps better, but how do we escape the obsession  of a secure future?  Once more JESUS invites us to believe in the Providence of the FATHER: if we have HIS interests at heart, HE will look after ours.

Store up with GOD.  Gospel says "in Heaven" and we know that Heaven is one of the names of GOD.

There also your heart will be.  [In the Jewish culture the heart is where judgments and decisions are made].  I do not possess things but they possess me and by degrees impose on me a certain life-style.

It is this certitude that motivates any effort made towards "evangelical poverty."  It is a question of being as free as possible for action and for love.  JESUS calls us to disinterested action and at the same time warns us against inordinate attachment to persons, to ideas and possessions: we are to be ready for anything but must never get attached to the fruits of action.)

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