Saturday, March 05, 2022

'Whatever You Ask For In Prayer Full Of Faith, You Will Receive.'

 "Listen, O YAHWEH, and answer me, for I am afflicted and needy.
Preserve my life, for I am GOD-fearing; save YOUR servant who trusts in YOU.
Have mercy on me, O YAHWEH, for I cry to YOU all day.
Bring joy to the soul of YOUR servant; for YOU, O YAHWEH, I lift up my soul.
YOU are good and forgiving, O YAHWEH, caring for those who call on YOU.
Listen, O YAHWEH, to my prayer, hear the voice of my pleading."
- Psalm 86:1-2. 3-4. 5-6

(Whenever we live moments of anguish, whatever their cause, it will be good for us to confide our burden on another, on GOD, whose presence in this psalm, is comforting.  JESUS tells us in Matthew 11:24: 'Whatever you ask for in prayer full of faith, you will receive.'  We have this assurance from JESUS HIMSELF.  So, full of faith, let us also pray to GOD, for whatever we need, assured that it will be answered.)

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