Saturday, January 22, 2022

Plea For The Return Of GOD's Favor

 "Listen, O shepherd of Israel, YOU, who lead Joseph like a flock; YOU, who sit enthroned between the cherubim.
Shine forth before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh.  Stir up YOUR might and come to save us.
Restore us, O GOD of hosts; make YOUR face shine upon us, that we may be saved.
O YAHWEH of hosts, how long will YOUR anger burn against the prayers of YOUR people?
YOU have fed them with the bread of woe, and have given them tears to drink in their sorrow.
YOU have made us the scorn of our neighbors and the laughingstock of our oppressors."
- Psalm 80:2-7

(Samaria was overrun in the year 721 B.C. and colonized with a mixed population of idolatrous immigrants: so many weeds in the garden of GOD.  What has HE done in HIS vineyard?  Understandably enough, there is no mention of the wild grapes this chosen vine had produced [Isaiah 5:1-7].  The psalmist dares to ask 'why'?  The prophet Amos could provide the answer: thirty years before this time, HE had scourged the luxury and oppression of the ruling classes [Amos 6:4-7].  But we have to sympathize with the psalmist.  He has learnt the lesson that to brood over sins committed is a worthless exercise.

The shining face of GOD is remembered in John 14:9 and in Hebrews 1:3; also in the  Gospels at the time of the transfiguration [cf. Matthew 17:2; cf. 2 Corinthians 4:6].  The gaze of GOD saves, also in our present time.)

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