Sunday, January 30, 2022

Confidence Under Persecution

 "O YAHWEH, how great in number are my foes!
How numerous are they who rise against me!
How many are they who say of my soul:
'There is no help for him in GOD!'

But YOU are my shield, O YAHWEH,
my glory; YOU lift up my head.
Aloud I cry to YAHWEH,
and from HIS holy Hill HE answers me.
If I lie down to sleep,
again I awake, for YAHWEH supports me;
no fear of the thousands standing against me."
- Psalm 3:2-3. 4-5. 6-7

(The 'enemies' are always trying to undermine the psalmist's trust in GOD.  The psalmist sees their political or personal hostility as a test of his confidence in the shield that protects him.  It follows that though we and the psalmist have different enemies we are fighting in a common cause: to keep the supply-lines open between GOD and ourselves.  Difficulties from outside us and struggles within are not in themselves good things: they are only good challenges, opportunities, or urgent invitations to turn to the only place where help is to be found.

The psalm has a Christian projection in the exhortation of JESUS: "Do not be afraid.  I have conquered the world" [John 16:33].  No matter what the odds against him, with his undeniable faith in GOD, the Christian will be a winner.  The believer will thus be able to face the present-day adversities.)


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