Monday, April 12, 2021

Let Us Sing To Our LORD, Ascended And Enthroned In Heaven

 "YAHWEH reigns, robed in majesty;
YAHWEH is girded with strength.
The world now, is firm; it cannot be moved.
YOUR throne stands from long ago, O YAHWEH;
from all eternity YOU are.

YOUR decrees can be trusted;
holiness dwells in YOUR house,
day after day, without end, O YAHWEH."
- Psalm 93:1. 1-2. 5

(This is the first of the 'royal' psalms [93; 95-100] celebrating the kingship of GOD, creator and controller of our universe, whose eternal tranquility contrasts with the restless sea.  HE is so calm and silent that we might think HE sleeps.  But only the GOD-made-man could sleep.  Even then, when the apostles cried to HIM, 'HE rebuked the wind and said to the sea: Peace!  Be still!  The wind ceased and there was made a great calm' [Mark 43:39].  'YOU are a king then?' said Pilate.  HE is indeed--though HIS kingship was hidden.  But now, HE sits at the right hand.  We are of HIS Kingdom.  Let us sing to our LORD, ascended and enthroned in heaven.

The LORD of history and of nature is much stronger than awesome historical conflicts.)

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