Tuesday, April 27, 2021

I Have Come Into The World As Light, So That Whoever Believes In ME May Not Remain In Darkness

 "Yet JESUS had said, and even cried out, 'Whoever believes in ME, believes not in ME, but in HIM who sent ME.  And whoever sees ME, sees HIM who sent ME.  I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in ME may not remain in darkness.

If anyone hears MY words and does not keep them, I AM not the one to condemn him; for I have come, not to condemn the world, but to save the world.  The one who rejects ME, and does not receive MY words, already has a judge: the very words I have spoken will condemn him on the last day.

For I have not spoken on MY own authority; the FATHER, who sent ME, has instructed ME what to say and how to speak.  I know that HIS commandment is eternal life, and that is why the message I give, I give as the FATHER instructed ME.'" - John 12:44-50 

(John stresses the sin of the majority who were not committed to CHRIST, although within themselves they secretly respected HIM.  Somehow the Jewish people suspected that JESUS came from GOD, but to believe in what HE claimed and asked was another matter.

For us, too, to believe in the Gospel is to take a stand: we cannot pass by the Church JESUS founded even though it may not be totally transparent.  HIS word comes to us amidst numerous preoccupations, and most often we feel inclined to respond: "I'll see later!"  When we neglect HIS word, we often think it is not grave.  Actually it is GOD and HIS truth that we reject and we may not have another occasion to receive it.  All eternity is decided today.

There is absolutely nothing in the Scriptures that support the belief that we will have other lives in order to repair our errors of today.  If so many people of our time have grasped this belief in a succession of lives, it is above all because it encourages them to delay making real decisions; the devil takes charge of spreading this belief.)


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