Sunday, January 24, 2021

Time Is Running Out

 "I say this, brothers and sisters: time is running out, and those who are married must live as if not married; those who weep as if not weeping; those who are happy as if they were not happy; those buying something as if they had not bought it, and those enjoying the present life as if they were not enjoying it.  For the order of this world is vanishing." - 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 

(Paul's response goes further than the question of the Corinthians when he adds: time is running out.  He points to much more than a prompt return of CHRIST, familiar to the first Christians.  The coming of JESUS has shortened time in a figurative way: we can no longer settle down in the present world as we did before when we could see no further than the present.  We are entirely turned towards what is to come.  A Christian lives in the present, but all that matters most for him comes in the "after."  Let us not argue with Paul as if he were reasoning on the consequences of the certain coming of JESUS CHRIST: he is not theologizing but speaks like someone already possessed by CHRIST.)


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