Thursday, January 21, 2021

Thanksgiving And Further Plea For Help

 "Sacrifice and oblation YOU did not desire; this, YOU had me understand.  Burnt offering and sin offering YOU do not require.
Then I said, 'Here I come! as the scroll says of me.  To do YOUR will is my delight, O GOD, for YOUR law is within my heart.
In the great assembly I have proclaimed YOUR saving help.  My lips, O YAHWEH, I did not seal--YOU know that very well.
But may all those who seek YOU, rejoice, and be glad in YOU; and may all who love YOUR saving grace continually say, 'YAHWEH is great.'"
- Psalm 40:7-8. 8-9. 10. 17

(The Epistle to the Hebrews [10:5-7] invites us to hear verses 7-9 of this psalm as if CHRIST HIMSELF were speaking them.  And it is true that we could recite verses 1-11 along with HIM and in HIS name, thanking GOD for all that HE has done.  There is a quick change from thanksgiving to insisting appeal in the second half [verses 12-18] and this part, identical with Psalm 70, was apparently a separate psalm at first.  It is not improbable that the Epistle to the Hebrews has those in mind who had served as priests in the now ruined Temple: in place of their sacrifices which GOD no longer asked for stands the free and perfect offering that is CHRIST HIMSELF who like Isaiah before HIM said 'Here am I!  Send me' [Isaiah 6:8].)

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