Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Joy Of The Universe

 "Say among the nations, 'YAHWEH reigns!'
HE will judge the peoples with justice.

Let the heavens be glad, the earth rejoice;
let the sea and all that fills it resound;
let the fields exult and everything in them;
let the forest, all the trees, sing for joy.

Let them sing before YAHWEH
who comes to judge the earth.
HE will rule the world with justice,
and the peoples, with fairness."
- Psalm 96:10-13

(More than on the splendor of the universe, human society is founded on justice that glorifies GOD: there is joy in creation when GOD establishes HIS kingdom among us.  Yes, joy of the universe, until then devastated by our exaggerated ambitions.  Joy of nations that have discovered why they exist!

As we continue to express our desire for the reign of GOD to come to the world, we can pray with this psalm.)

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