Saturday, November 21, 2020

Appeal For Victory And Peace

 "Blessed be YAHWEH, my rock, who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle--my loving GOD, my fortress; my protector and deliverer, my shield; where I take refuge; who conquers nations and subjects them to my rule.

O YAHWEH, what are humans that YOU should be mindful of them, the race of Adam, that YOU should care for them?

They are like a breath; their days pass like a shadow on earth.

Bend YOUR heavens, O YAHWEH, and come down; touch the mountain and make it smoke.

Flash forth lightning and rout the foe; shoot YOUR arrows and scatter them.

From above, reach down and draw me out of the deep waters, from the hands of foreigners, whose mouths speak falsehood, whose words are full of deceit.

I will sing a new song to YOU, O GOD; I will make music on the ten-stringed harp, for YOU, who give victory to kings and deliver David, YOUR servant.
- Psalm 144:1-10

(Our LORD, the son of man, shared our weakness, shared our struggle; but in doing so, HE showed us that GOD's strength shows itself most clearly in our weakness, bringing us joy and salvation.

The new heavens and the new earth take us beyond the psalm [cf. Revelation 21:1-4; 2 Peter 3:13; Romans 8:19-23].  The people of GOD, who expect the new kingdom, are being formed in the womb of history.  It would be good for us not to forget exemplary lives; they will give us courage.  Above all, it would be good for us to place our eyes in the LORD, who is the initiator and fulfiller of our faith.

It seems like GOD answered the psalmist's prayer when he says, 'Bend YOUR heavens, O YAHWEH, and come down.'  For in John 1:1, 'In the beginning was the Word' and in John 1:14, 'And the Word was made flesh.'  Then, in Luke 2:12 an angel of the LORD said, 'Today a Savior has been born to you in David's town; HE is the Messiah and the LORD.'  JESUS showed us the way.  HE taught us to pray.  HE has taught us to love.  HE has guided us through the narrow path.  In short, if only we have faith and believe, we will be with HIM one day, in heaven.)

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