Monday, February 17, 2020

Our LORD, Our King, Came To Bring GOD To Earth

"Then came the news, 'The Ark is in Ephrata, we found it in the fields of Jaar.'
Let us go to where HE dwells and worship at HIS footstool!
Arise, O YAHWEH, and come to YOUR rest; YOU, and the Ark of YOUR might.
May YOUR priests be arrayed in glorious mantle; may YOUR faithful ones shout in gladness.
For the sake of YOUR servant, David, do not turn away the face of YOUR Anointed."
- Psalm 132:6-10

(Our LORD, our King, came to bring GOD to earth.  For this, HE labored unwearily, with sweat and even with blood.  And the result of HIS work was not a building, a Temple; but the Church, where GOD really dwells, eternally.)


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