Monday, February 10, 2020

CHRIST Saves Us Through Sharing Flesh And Blood, And Human Destiny

"And because all those children share one same nature of flesh and blood, JESUS, likewise, had to share this nature.  This is why HIS death destroyed the one holding the power of death, that is the devil, and freed those who remained in bondage all their lifetime, because of the fear of death.
JESUS came, to take by the hand, not the angels but the human race.  So, HE had to be like HIS brothers and sisters, in every respect, in order to be the high priest, faithful to GOD and merciful to them, a priest, able to ask pardon, and atone for their sins.  Having been tested through suffering, HE is able to help those who are tested." - Hebrews 2:14-18 

(JESUS had to share this nature.  GOD uses human solidarity to save us.  CHRIST saves us through sharing flesh and blood, and human destiny.  In the same way, we are saved if we help in the liberation of the world, if we courageously accept our dependence on and solidarity with others.  To work side by side with others, to suffer and rejoice with them is a way of saving them.  We would like, at times, to escape our human condition and to be more independent: it seems to us that we would be better able to serve GOD, yet this dependence in the details of daily life is the means by which GOD wants us to take the human race by the hand.)


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