Friday, November 15, 2019

Materialists Ignore GOD

"The natural helplessness of humans is seen in their ignorance of GOD.  The experience of good things did not lead them to the knowledge of HIM who IS.  They were interested in HIS works, but they did not recognize the author of them.
Fire, wind, air, the sphere of the stars, rushing water and the lights in the sky were held as the rulers of the world.
If charmed by such beauty, they took them for gods, let them know how far superior is their sovereign.  And if they were impressed by their power and activity, let them understand from this how much mightier is HE who formed them.  For the grandeur and beauty of creatures lead us to ponder on their Author, greater and more magnificent.
No doubt these people are not to be blamed severely, for possibly they strayed though they searched for GOD and desired to find HIM.  They pondered over the created things that surrounded them and were captivated by the sight of such beauty.
Even so they are not to be excused, for if they were able to explore the world, why did they not discover first the world's Sovereign?" - Wisdom 13:1-9 

(Materialists ignore GOD.  The proud believe they can achieve everything on their own.  They use things as their own, without giving them a deeper meaning and without seeing them as gifts from GOD.

Simple and humble people see the hand of GOD in everything.  The water, the wind, the mountains remind them of the Perfect Being. who created them; even more do the riches they discover in their loved ones.  Human intelligence is meant to discover GOD who fills everything and is the end of everything.  Paul will say something very similar in Romans 1:19.)  


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