Thursday, November 14, 2019

Evil Cannot Prevail Against Wisdom

"...because Wisdom, who designed them all, taught me.
In her is a spirit that is intelligent, saintly, unique, manifold, subtle, active, concise, pure and lucid.  It cannot corrupt, loves what is good and nothing can restrain it; it is beneficent, loving humankind, steadfast, dependable, calm though almighty.  It sees everything and penetrates all spirits, however intelligent, subtle and pure they may be.
Wisdom, in fact, surpasses in mobility all that moves, and being so pure pervades and permeates all things.
She is a breath of the power of GOD, a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; nothing impure can enter her.  She is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of GOD's action and an image of HIS goodness.
She is but one, yet Wisdom can do all things and, herself unchanging, she renews all things.  She enters holy souls, making them prophets and friends of GOD, for GOD loves only those who live with Wisdom.
She is indeed more beautiful than the sun and surpasses all the constellations; she outrivals light, for light gives way to night, but evil cannot prevail against Wisdom.
Wisdom displays her strength from one end of the earth to the other, ordering all things rightly." - Wisdom 7:22-8:1 
(Wisdom comes from GOD: it is the same Wisdom that gives order to the universe and which is the presence of GOD in us--HIS presence, as always, through HIS Son.

Nothing impure can enter her.  Note the optimism found in this description.  Because she is "holy and pure" the wisdom of GOD penetrates everything, even what is impure and imperfect, enlightening our slow and limited spirit.  The Jews of the time learned from the law that they had to remain "clean" and stay away from all that is "unclean": for example, when two people touched each other, the unclean person contaminated the other [see Leviticus 11:1; Haggai 2:11].  Here, it is the wisdom of GOD that overcomes darkness and impurity [see Ephesians 5:13].  Nothing is absolutely bad in itself: it is bad if it could have been better, and it is good if in a concrete way nothing better could have been accomplished.

She is a pure emanation of the glory of the ALMIGHTY.  For the Hebrews "glory" was something "heavy," something that imposes itself and is not pure appearance.  In the language of the Greeks, "glory" becomes what is radiant: the radiance of GOD in the universe, and still more "on the face of CHRIST" [2 Corinthians 4:6].  Wisdom, mirror of GOD's activity and image of HIS perfection, is CHRIST, as Paul says in Colossians 1:5; Hebrews 1:3; John calls CHRIST "word of GOD" [see John 1:1].

She enters holy souls, making them prophets and friends of GOD.  It was said in 2:24 that the devil corrupted creation by introducing death.  Now, the Wisdom of GOD overcomes the ravage of death.

Evil cannot prevail against Wisdom.  The Christian, roofed in GOD's word, brings light where darkness rules: he must be present and active, without fear of such involvement, wherever problems of his country, his work, his daily life are being decided.  Light and justice will triumph and renew the face of the world.)


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