Saturday, November 30, 2019

How Beautiful Are The Feet Of The Messenger Of Good News!

"You are saved, if you confess with your lips that JESUS is LORD, and, in your heart, you believe that GOD raised HIM from the dead.  By believing from the heart, you obtain true righteousness; by confessing the faith with your lips, you are saved.  For Scripture says: No one who believes in HIM will be ashamed.  Here, there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; all have the same LORD, who is very generous with whoever calls on HIM.  Truly, all who call upon the name of the LORD will be saved.
But how can they call upon the name of the LORD without having believed in HIM?  And how can they believe in HIM, without having first heard about HIM?  And how will they hear about HIM, if no one preaches about HIM?  And how will they preach about HIM, if no one sends them?  As Scripture says: How beautiful are the feet of the messenger of good news.  Although, not everyone obeyed the good news, as Isaiah said: LORD, who has believed in our preaching?  So, faith comes from preaching, and preaching is rooted in the word of CHRIST.
I ask: Have the Jews not heard?  But, of course, they have.  Because the voice of those preaching resounded all over the earth, and their voice was heard, to the ends of the world." - Romans 10:9-18 
(The text applies Psalm 19:4 to the preaching of the Gospel.  The psalm is adequate to revise one's life in the presence of GOD in creation and in the Law.  JESUS in the Gospels has taught us how to pray.  If we add the psalm to our morning prayer, it will make us feel great and ready to start the day well.)


Friday, November 29, 2019

The Signs Of The Times

"And JESUS added this comparison, 'Look at the fig tree, and all the trees.  As soon as their buds sprout, you know that summer is near.  In the same way, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of GOD is near.  Truly, I tell you, this generation will not pass away, until all this has happened.  Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." - Luke 21:29-33 

(GOD the FATHER can communicate to JESUS certain prophecies but HE cannot tell HIM , for example: "the end of the world will take place on the 12th of July of the year 2049" because the date is not fixed; it depends on how we make the kingdom of GOD mature through our efforts and prayers [2 Peter 3:14].

Modern science shows that time does not pass at the same time for two persons if one is moving and the other is still; much less equal is the pace of time between GOD and us.  GOD knows the time as it can be known in eternity, but this does not mean that it corresponds with a certain date in our calendar.


The Coming Of The Son Of Man

"When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that the time has come down when it will be reduced to a wasteland.  If you are in Judea, flee to the mountains!  If you are in Jerusalem, leave!  If you are outside the city, don't enter it!
For these will be the days of its punishment, and all that was announced in the Scriptures will be fulfilled.  How hard will it be for pregnant women, and for mothers with babies at the breast!  For a great calamity will come upon the land, and wrath upon this people.  They will be put to death by the sword, or taken as slaves to other nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled upon by the pagans, until the time of the pagans is fulfilled.
Then there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth anguish of nations, perplexed when they hear the roaring of the sea and its waves.  People will faint with fear at the mere thought of what is to come upon the world, for the forces of the universe will be shaken.  Then, at that time, they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
So, when you see things begin to happen, stand erect and lift up your heads, for your deliverance is drawing near." - Luke 21:20-28 

(For a great calamity will come upon the land.  Luke foretells the destruction of the Jewish nation more clearly than Matthew and Mark do.

Until the time of the pagans is fulfilled.  Luke divides history into two ages.  One corresponds to the Old Testament: that was the time when Sacred History was almost the same as the history of Israel.  Then, after JESUS, came the time of the nations.  The destruction of the Jewish nation and the dispersal of its people inaugurated a new era, which would be mostly the history of the evangelization and education of the nations by the Church.  We could call that period the times of the New Testament, which will end with the great crisis concluding human history.)


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

JESUS Asks HIS Followers To Bear Witness To HIM

"Before all these things happen, people will lay their hands on you and persecute you; you will be delivered to the synagogues and put in prison, and for MY sake you will be brought before kings and governors.  This will be your opportunity to bear witness.
So keep this in mind: do not worry in advance about what to say, for I will give you words and wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to withstand or contradict.
You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers, by relatives and friends, and some of you will be put to death.  But even though, because of MY name, you will be hated by everyone, not a hair of your head will perish.  By your patient endurance you will save your souls." - Luke 21:12-19 

(People, confused, are easily fooled by propaganda and ideologies.  Fear makes them blind and they persecute those who do not share their fanaticism.  This is why they hate the true believers.  At the same time, JESUS asks HIS followers to bear witness to HIM as the only Savior and to proclaim what the Gospel demands of the individual and of society.)


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The End Of The World

"While some people were talking about the temple, remarking that it was adorned with the stonework and rich gifts, JESUS said to them, 'The days will come when there shall not be left one stone upon another of all that you now admire; all will be torn down.'  And they asked HIM, 'Master, when will this be, and what will be the sign that this is about to take place?'
JESUS said, 'Take care not to be deceived, for many will come in MY name, saying, 'I AM he; the time is near at hand!'  Do not follow them.  When you hear of wars and troubled times, don't be frightened; for all these things must happen first, even though the end is not so soon.'
And JESUS said, 'Nations will fight each other and kingdom will oppose kingdom.  There will be great earthquakes, famines and plagues; in many places strange and terrifying signs from heaven will be seen.'" - Luke 21:5-11 

(The prophets of the Scriptures spoke in a rather obscure way about the end of the history that would initiate GOD's universal kingdom.  According to them, all nations of the world would join forces to destroy the Holy City of Jerusalem, but right at the moment of greatest despair GOD would intervene in a triumphant way to establish HIS own kingdom [Isaiah 66:18; Ezekiel 38; Joel 4; Zechariah 14].

That is why, when JESUS speaks of the destruction of the temple, the apostles think of the end of time.  The answer of JESUS is clear; the tragedy that will end with the destruction of Jerusalem is near but that would not be the end of the world.

This discourse contains JESUS' warnings about the destruction of the Jewish nation that would occur 30 years later, but what HE said regarding these agents clarifies the meaning of the conflicts that occur at present in the whole world.)


Monday, November 25, 2019

Only The Poor Give All That They Have To Live On

"JESUS looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasury of the temple.  HE also saw a poor widow, who dropped in two small coins.  And HE said, 'Truly, I tell you, this poor widow put in more than all of them.  For all of them gave an offering from their plenty; but she, out of her poverty, gave all she had to live on.'" - Luke 21:1-4 
(The poor widow was the only one from among so many worshipers who made retribution to GOD as HE deserves.  She was the personification of those uncountable poor, who have practically nothing but somehow find a way to give part of the little they have.  The humble person is capable of sacrificing part of his paid time to study or participate in common activities in order to help his companions.  The small salary he loses is worth much more than the big salary that wealthy people are not willing to lose.  GOD calls on the poor before anybody else, because only the poor give all that they have to live on.)


Sunday, November 24, 2019

David Is Anointed King Over Israel

"All the tribes of Israel came to David at Hebron and said, 'We are your bone and flesh.  In the past, when Saul was king over us, it was you who led Israel.  And YAHWEH said to you, 'You shall be the shepherd of MY people and you shall be commander over Israel.'  Before YAHWEH, king David made an agreement with the elders of Israel who came to him at Hebron, and they anointed him king of Israel." - 2 Samuel 5:1-3 

(This is a great day for David and for Israel.  Those from the north acknowledge him as king, and the unity of all Israel is achieved.  The tribes in the north were separated from those in the south by the district of Jerusalem, which was in the hands of the Canaanites.  David conquers Jerusalem which becomes the capital of this united kingdom.

It is a definitive stage.  GOD turns Jerusalem into the visible center of HIS presence among people.

Later, the one and only temple of GOD will be in Jerusalem, and the true kings of the people of GOD will be those who rule in Jerusalem.  Jerusalem will be the image of the Church and Christians will know that after the Jerusalem of Palestine, GOD has promised them another Jerusalem--that of heaven [see Revelation 20 and 21].

Jerusalem is the image of heaven and, at the same time, of the church on earth.  Often, in the Scriptures, Jerusalem is called Zion, since this was the name of the more ancient part of Jerusalem.  It was also called the "city of David."

In the Scriptures, the unity achieved between the northern and southern tribes is a visible sign that they are living in GOD's grace: all unfaithfulness toward GOD leads to a division among people, and all such division is a sin against GOD.)


Saturday, November 23, 2019

Last Days Of Antiochus Epiphanes

"When king Antiochus was making his way through the upper regions of Persia, he received news about Elymais, a city renowned for its wealth in silver and gold.  They kept in the wealthy temple of their city golden armor, breastplates and weapons, left there by the Macedonian king, Alexander, the son of Philip, the first sovereign of the Greeks.  So Antiochus went there.  But the inhabitants came out armed against him when they learned of his intention, so his attempt to take the city failed.  He had to turn back; and he returned much embittered to Babylon.
While he was still in Persia, it was reported to him that the armies sent to Judea had been defeated.  They told him that although Lysias had gone with a strong army, he had to flee before the Jews, who had been strengthened with the weapons and the abundant booty taken from the neighboring armies.  He heard, too, that the Jews had destroyed the abominable idol he had erected on the altar in Jerusalem; and had rebuilt the temple walls to the same height as before; and had also fortified the city of Beth-zur.
When he received this news, he was terrified and deeply upset.  He fell sick and became greatly depressed because things had not turned out the way he had planned.  So he remained overcome by this terrible anguish for many days.  He felt that he was dying, so he called his friends and said to them, 'Sleep has fled from my eyes and I am greatly crushed by my anxieties.  And I keep on asking why such grief has come upon me--I who was generous and well-loved when in power--and now I am so discouraged.
Now I remember the evils I did in Jerusalem, the vessels of gold and silver that I stole, the inhabitants of Judea I ordered to be killed for no reason at all.  I now know, that because of this, these misfortunes have come upon me; and I am dying of grief in a strange land.'" - 1 Maccabees 6:1-13 
(The end of Antiochus Epiphanes is presented as an example of how the persecutors die.  We find another story, different from this, in 2 Maccabees 9.)


Friday, November 22, 2019

Judas Purifies The Temple

"Then Judas and his brothers said: 'Our enemies are defeated, so let us go up and purify the Holy Place and consecrate it again.'  And all the army assembled and went up to Mount Zion.  There, they found the Sanctuary abandoned, the altar profaned, the gates burned, bushes growing in the courtyard as in a forest or on a mountain, and the rooms destroyed.  They tore their garments and wept bitterly.  Some sprinkled ashes on their heads, while others prostrated themselves on the ground.  They sounded the trumpets and cried aloud to Heaven.
Then Judas chose men to fight against the defenders of the Citadel until he had purified the temple.  He chose blameless priests, who showed great zeal for the law, and had them purify the temple and bring the stones of the abominable altar of the pagans to an unclean place.
They held a council to decide on what should be done with the altar of the holocausts which had been defiled.  And they decided to destroy it, so that shame brought about by the pagans might not remain with it.  They deposited the stones of the said altar in a convenient place on the temple hill, until a prophet should appear to settle the matter.
Then they took uncut stones as the law prescribed, and built a new altar like the former one.  They repaired the Sanctuary, and the interior of the house, and consecrated the courts.
They made new sacred vessels and brought in the lamp stand, the altar of incense and the table.  They burned incense on the altar, and lit the lamps on the lamp stand, and these began to shine in the temple.  They placed the bread on the table and hung up the curtains--bringing to completion all that had been decided.
On the twenty-fifth day of the month of Chislev, in the year one hundred and forty-eight [in the year 164 B.C.] they arose at dawn and offered the sacrifice prescribed by the law on the new altar of holocausts which they had built.  It was precisely at that same time and date that the pagans had profaned it before; but now they consecrated it with songs, accompanied by zithers, harps and cymbals.  All the people fell prostrate and blessed Heaven that had given them happiness and success.
They celebrated the consecration of the altar for eight days, joyfully offering holocausts and celebrating sacrifices of thanksgiving and praise.  The front of the temple was adorned with crowns of gold and shields; and the gates and the rooms had been restored and fitted with doors.
There was no end to the celebration among the people; and so the profanation of the temple by the pagans was forgotten.  Finally, Judas, his brothers and the whole assembly of Israel agreed to celebrate the anniversary of the consecration of the altar annually for eight days, from the twenty-fifth of the month of Chislev, in high festivity." - 1 Maccabees 4:36-59 
(Because of Judas victories, Antiochus Epiphanes IV signs a treaty by which he grants autonomy to the Jewish province [April 164 B.C.].  The Jews are triumphant and their first concern is to purify the temple which had been profaned by the pagans [December 167 B.C.].

The Jews are aware of being different from other people.  It is GOD who decides the future.  In a given moment, they solve what is most urgent while waiting for a prophet to indicate to them what they must do.  Yet, the situation is paradoxical.  There were prophets at other times when the Israelites refused to listen to them.  Now that they want to hear a message, there are no prophets, and there will be no prophet until John the Baptist.) 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

If Only Today You Knew The Ways Of Peace!

"When JESUS had come in sight of the city, HE wept over it, and said, 'If only today you knew the ways of peace!  But now they are hidden from your eyes.  Yet days will come upon you, when your enemies will surround you with barricades, and shut you in, and press on you from every side.  And they will dash you to the ground and your children with you, and not leave stone upon stone within you, for you did not recognize the time and the visitation of your GOD.'" - Luke 19:41-44 

(In this discourse the Gospel uses the style of apocalyptic books.  In this kind of literature signs announced great events.

The discourse comprises words pronounced by JESUS in very diverse circumstances.  JESUS refuses speculation and reminds us that Christian history is one of persecution; HE encourages us to be faithful.)


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Ten Pounds

"JESUS was now near Jerusalem, and the people with HIM thought that GOD's reign was about to appear.  So as they were listening to HIM, JESUS went on to tell them a parable.  HE said, 'A man of noble birth went to a distant country in order to be crowned king, after which he planned to return home.  Before he left, he summoned ten of his servants and gave them ten pounds of silver.  He said, 'Put this money to work until I get back.'  But his compatriots, who disliked him, sent a delegation after him with this message, 'We do not want this man to be our king.'
He returned, however, appointed as king.  At once he sent for the servants, to whom he had given the money, to find out what profit each had made.  The first came in, and reported, 'Sir, your pound of silver has earned ten more pounds of silver.'
The master replied, 'Well done, my good servant!  Since you have proved yourself faithful in a small matter, I can trust you to take charge of ten cities.'  The second reported, 'Sir, your pound of silver earned five more pounds of silver.'  The master replied, 'And you, take charge of five cities!'
The third came in, and said, 'Sir, here is your money, which I hid for safekeeping.  I was afraid of you, for you are an exacting person: you take up what you did not lay down, and you reap what you did not sow.'
The master replied, 'You worthless servant, I will judge you by your own words!  So you knew I was an exacting person, taking up what I did not lay down, and reaping what I did not sow?  Why, then, did you not put my money on loan, so that, when I got back, I could have collected it with interest?'
Then the master said to those standing by, 'Take from him that pound, and give it to the one with ten pounds.'  But they objected, 'Sir, he already has ten pounds!'
The master replied, 'I tell you, everyone who has will be given more; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.  As for my enemies who did not want me to be their king, bring them in, and execute them right here in front of me!'
So JESUS spoke, and then HE passed on ahead of them, on HIS way to Jerusalem. - Luke 19:11-28 
(Galileans go to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover and JESUS goes with them.  HE knows that death awaits HIM: they, nonetheless, are convinced that HE will be proclaimed king and liberator of Israel.

In HIS parable JESUS invites them to hold onto another hope.  HE will rule on HIS return from a faraway land [HIS own death] at the end of history.  Meanwhile, HIS people are in charge of riches, which HE has given them and which they must multiply.  They should not wait in idleness for HIS return, since HIS enemies will take advantage of HIS absence to struggle against HIS influence.  JESUS' servants will participate in HIS triumph to the degree that they have worked.

This page is closely connected with the parable of the talents [Mark 25:14].  Two differences are pointed out in what follows.

For one thing, in the introduction and in the conclusion JESUS refers to HIS country's political life.  The country depended on the Roman Empire and its kings had to be acceptable to the Roman government that protected them.

On the other hand, the parable insists on GOD's justice: everyone receives according to his merit.  Heavenly happiness is not something that can be distributed equally.  Everyone will know GOD and will share HIS riches to the degree that one has been able to love throughout life.  Every step we take by way of obedience, sacrifice and humility, develops our capacity to receive GOD and to be transformed by HIM.)


"Do Not Be Afraid, I Have Conquered The World."

"O YAHWEH, how great in number are my foes!
How numerous are they who rise against me!
How many are they who say of my soul:
'There is no help for him in GOD!'

But YOU are my shield, O YAHWEH,
my glory; YOU lift up my head.
Aloud I cry to YAHWEH,
and from HIS holy Hill HE answers me.
If I lie down to sleep,
again I awake, for YAHWEH supports me;
no fear of the thousands standing against me.

Arise, O YAHWEH!
Deliver me, O my GOD!
YOU strike all my enemies on the jaw,
YOU have broken the teeth of the wicked."
- Psalm 3:2-8

(The 'enemies' are always trying to undermine the psalmist's trust in GOD.  The psalmist sees their political or personal hostility as a test of his confidence in the shield that protects him.  It follows that though we and the psalmist have different enemies we are fighting in a common cause: to keep the supply-lines open between GOD and ourselves.  Difficulties from outside us and struggles within are not in themselves good things: they are only good challenges, opportunities, or urgent invitations to turn to the only place where help is to be found.

The psalm has a Christian projection in the exhortation of JESUS: "Do not be afraid, I have conquered the world" [John 16:33].  No matter what the odds against him, with his undeniable faith in GOD, the Christian will be a winner.  The believer will thus be able to face the present-day adversities.)


Monday, November 18, 2019

Son Of David!

"When JESUS drew near to Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the road, begging.  As he heard the crowd passing by, he inquired what was happening, and they told him that JESUS of Nazareth was going by.  Then he cried out, 'JESUS, Son of David, have mercy on me!'  The people in front of him scolded him, 'Be quiet!' they said, but he cried out all the more, 'JESUS, Son of David, have mercy on me!'
JESUS stopped, and ordered the blind man to be brought to HIM; and when he came near, JESUS asked him, 'What do you want ME to do for you?'  And the man said, 'LORD, that I may see!'  JESUS said, 'Receive your sight, your faith has saved you.'  At once the blind man was able to see, and he followed JESUS, giving praise to GOD.  And all the people who were there also praised GOD." - Luke 18:35-43 

(GOD is the one who moves us to ask something of HIM.  The blind man understands that if he lets this opportunity go by, there will not be another chance, which is why he shouts all the more while the rest try to silence him.

Son of David!  was a way of designating the Messiah)


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Humanity Has Found The Way To Liberation And Salvation

"... with melody of the lyre and with music of the harp.
With trumpet blast and sound of the horn, rejoice before the King, YAHWEH!
Let the sea resound and everything in it, the world and all its people.
Let rivers clap their hands, hills and mountains sing with joy before YAHWEH, for HE comes to rule the earth.  HE will judge the world with justice, and the peoples, with fairness."
- Psalm 98:5-9

(Our LORD founded the kingdom of GOD on earth: and yet we pray: 'YOUR kingdom come.'  The work of our redemption has been accomplished, but we still pray for this salvation, to be perfected throughout the world: GOD has come; but we look for HIS final coming, to take possession of HIS kingdom.

Sing to the LORD a new song.  Humanity has found the way to liberation and salvation.  It is in the coming of CHRIST, GOD-made-man and in HIS resurrection.

For the LORD came down to earth, showed us HIS love and also by HIS death and resurrection, the path to eternal salvation.)


Saturday, November 16, 2019

If There Is A Just GOD, Why Does HE Not Do Justice?

"JESUS told them a parable, to show them that they should pray continually, and not lose heart.  HE said, 'In a certain town there was a judge, who neither feared GOD nor people.  In the same town there was a widow, who kept coming to him, saying, 'Defend my rights against my adversary!'  For a time he refused, but finally he thought, 'Even though I neither fear GOD nor care about people, this widow bothers me so much, I will see that she gets justice; then she will stop coming and wearing me out.'
And JESUS said, 'Listen to what the evil judge says.  Will GOD not do justice for HIS chosen ones, who cry to HIM day and night, even if HE delays in answering them?  I tell you, HE will speedily do them justice.  But, when the Son of Man comes, will HE find faith on earth?'" - Luke 18:1-8 

(If there is a just GOD, why does HE not do justice?  [Psalm 44:24; Hebrews 1; Zechariah 1:12; Revelation 6:10].  JESUS answers: Do you desire and ask for the justice of GOD with enough faith?  HE will undoubtedly do justice, but you will have to wait.

A judge who neither feared GOD nor people: many people upon seeing what is unjust and absurd in life, view GOD this way.  If we pray with perseverance, we will gradually discover that things are not as absurd as they seem, and we will come to recognize the face of the GOD who loves us in what happens.

Who cry to HIM day and night.  JESUS, who so insists on our responsibility to the world, is the one who also urges us to call on GOD day and night.  Why are people so readily divided [or why do we divide them] into prayers and doers?

Will HE find faith on earth?  JESUS confirms an opinion already found among the Jews of HIS days.  In the last days before Judgment, the power of evil will be so great that in many love will grow cold [Matthew 24:12].

In fact, with the first coming of JESUS, the Old Testament ended in seeming failure; few had believed in HIM  and, later, most were influenced by the confusion, the false saviors and the violence which precipitated the fall of the nation forty years after the death of JESUS.) 

Friday, November 15, 2019

Materialists Ignore GOD

"The natural helplessness of humans is seen in their ignorance of GOD.  The experience of good things did not lead them to the knowledge of HIM who IS.  They were interested in HIS works, but they did not recognize the author of them.
Fire, wind, air, the sphere of the stars, rushing water and the lights in the sky were held as the rulers of the world.
If charmed by such beauty, they took them for gods, let them know how far superior is their sovereign.  And if they were impressed by their power and activity, let them understand from this how much mightier is HE who formed them.  For the grandeur and beauty of creatures lead us to ponder on their Author, greater and more magnificent.
No doubt these people are not to be blamed severely, for possibly they strayed though they searched for GOD and desired to find HIM.  They pondered over the created things that surrounded them and were captivated by the sight of such beauty.
Even so they are not to be excused, for if they were able to explore the world, why did they not discover first the world's Sovereign?" - Wisdom 13:1-9 

(Materialists ignore GOD.  The proud believe they can achieve everything on their own.  They use things as their own, without giving them a deeper meaning and without seeing them as gifts from GOD.

Simple and humble people see the hand of GOD in everything.  The water, the wind, the mountains remind them of the Perfect Being. who created them; even more do the riches they discover in their loved ones.  Human intelligence is meant to discover GOD who fills everything and is the end of everything.  Paul will say something very similar in Romans 1:19.)  


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Evil Cannot Prevail Against Wisdom

"...because Wisdom, who designed them all, taught me.
In her is a spirit that is intelligent, saintly, unique, manifold, subtle, active, concise, pure and lucid.  It cannot corrupt, loves what is good and nothing can restrain it; it is beneficent, loving humankind, steadfast, dependable, calm though almighty.  It sees everything and penetrates all spirits, however intelligent, subtle and pure they may be.
Wisdom, in fact, surpasses in mobility all that moves, and being so pure pervades and permeates all things.
She is a breath of the power of GOD, a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty; nothing impure can enter her.  She is a reflection of eternal light, a spotless mirror of GOD's action and an image of HIS goodness.
She is but one, yet Wisdom can do all things and, herself unchanging, she renews all things.  She enters holy souls, making them prophets and friends of GOD, for GOD loves only those who live with Wisdom.
She is indeed more beautiful than the sun and surpasses all the constellations; she outrivals light, for light gives way to night, but evil cannot prevail against Wisdom.
Wisdom displays her strength from one end of the earth to the other, ordering all things rightly." - Wisdom 7:22-8:1 
(Wisdom comes from GOD: it is the same Wisdom that gives order to the universe and which is the presence of GOD in us--HIS presence, as always, through HIS Son.

Nothing impure can enter her.  Note the optimism found in this description.  Because she is "holy and pure" the wisdom of GOD penetrates everything, even what is impure and imperfect, enlightening our slow and limited spirit.  The Jews of the time learned from the law that they had to remain "clean" and stay away from all that is "unclean": for example, when two people touched each other, the unclean person contaminated the other [see Leviticus 11:1; Haggai 2:11].  Here, it is the wisdom of GOD that overcomes darkness and impurity [see Ephesians 5:13].  Nothing is absolutely bad in itself: it is bad if it could have been better, and it is good if in a concrete way nothing better could have been accomplished.

She is a pure emanation of the glory of the ALMIGHTY.  For the Hebrews "glory" was something "heavy," something that imposes itself and is not pure appearance.  In the language of the Greeks, "glory" becomes what is radiant: the radiance of GOD in the universe, and still more "on the face of CHRIST" [2 Corinthians 4:6].  Wisdom, mirror of GOD's activity and image of HIS perfection, is CHRIST, as Paul says in Colossians 1:5; Hebrews 1:3; John calls CHRIST "word of GOD" [see John 1:1].

She enters holy souls, making them prophets and friends of GOD.  It was said in 2:24 that the devil corrupted creation by introducing death.  Now, the Wisdom of GOD overcomes the ravage of death.

Evil cannot prevail against Wisdom.  The Christian, roofed in GOD's word, brings light where darkness rules: he must be present and active, without fear of such involvement, wherever problems of his country, his work, his daily life are being decided.  Light and justice will triumph and renew the face of the world.)


Wednesday, November 13, 2019

No True Wisdom Without Religious Truth

"Pay attention, you who rule multitudes and boast of the numerous subjects in your pagan nations!
For authority was given you by the LORD, your kingship is from the Most High who will examine your works and scrutinize your intentions.
If, as officials of HIS kingdom, you have not judged justly or observed HIS law or walked the way GOD pointed out, HE will oppose you swiftly and terribly; HIS sentence strikes the mighty suddenly.
For the lowly there may be excuses and pardon, but the great will be severely punished.
For the LORD of all makes no distinction, nor does HE take account of greatness.  Both great and lowly are HIS work and HE watches over all, but the powerful are to be judged more strictly.
It is to you then, sovereigns, that I speak, that you may learn Wisdom and not stumble.
For those who keep the holy laws in a holy way will be acknowledged holy, and those who accept the teaching will find in it their defense.
Welcome my words, desire them and they will instruct you." - Wisdom 6:2-11 

(Here begins the "discourse to the kings about wisdom."  As we said in Ecclesiastes, it was common to attribute the Books of Wisdom to Solomon.  This can also be seen in this book: the author pretends to be Solomon and puts the words about wisdom on Solomon's lips.)


Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Souls Of The Just Are In The Hands Of GOD

"Indeed GOD created man to be immortal in the likeness of HIS own nature, but the envy of the devil brought death to the world, and those who take his side shall experience death.
The souls of the just are in the hands of GOD and no torment shall touch them.
In the eyes of the unwise they appear to be dead.  Their going is held as a disaster; it seems that they lose everything by departing from us, but they are in peace.
Though seemingly they have been punished, immortality was the soul of their hope.  After slight affliction will come great blessings, for GOD has tried them and found them worthy to be with HIM; after testing them as gold in the furnace, HE has accepted them as a holocaust.
At the time of HIS coming they will shine like sparks that run in the stubble.  They will govern nations and rule over peoples, and the LORD will be their king forever.
Those who trust in HIM will penetrate the truth, those who are faithful will live with HIM in love, for HIS grace and mercy are for HIS chosen ones." - Wisdom 2:23-3:9 

(Those who take his side shall experience death.  Those who do evil begin to experience death.  There is a physical wearing down caused by vice [alcoholism, licentiousness], but there is an even greater deterioration of enthusiasm, generosity and trust.  "The person who sows for the benefit of his own flesh shall reap corruption and death from the flesh" [Galatians 6:8].  See also Romans 6:21.

The text considers what JESUS will do; that behind a mass of evil that tear humanity, and behind our disbelief there is a presence of "the Enemy" [see Matthew 13:39; Hebrews 2:14-15].

The souls of the just are in the hands of GOD.  This is the great revelation in this book.  In the previous books of the Scriptures, the soul only means the breath of a person, that is to say, the life in him which disappears at death.  Now, the soul means the person who does not die when the body does.

Their going is held as a disaster.  Whether the just die in the hands of violent people, or naturally die as we all do, the end of their lives seems to contradict GOD's goodness.  It is a scandal that death can overcome the just.  [We know that the just are those who fulfill the hopes that GOD placed in them.]  It is only the body which dies.  They are alive before GOD as JESUS will also state [Luke 20:38].

But they are in peace.  They will forever enjoy what they hoped for here on earth.  That is to say, we only see one side of death: we shall never know how everyone experienced his departure, even less how he awakened in GOD's world.

At the time of judgment we will see that the just are the only ones who have been truly alive.  The death of the friends of GOD brings peace to those who were at their side.  Through their death the martyrs bring the triumph of the cause for which they lived.)  

Monday, November 11, 2019

How Can We Express The Nearness Of The In-Accessible And Holy GOD?

"Love justice, you who rule over the world!  Think rightly of GOD, seek HIM with simplicity of heart, for HE reveals HIMSELF to those who do not challenge HIM and is found by those who do not distrust HIM.
Crooked thinking distances you from GOD; and HIS Omnipotence, put to the test, confounds the foolish.
Wisdom does not enter the wicked nor remain in a body that is enslaved to sin.  The Holy Spirit who instructs us shuns deceit; it keeps aloof from foolishness and is ill at ease when injustice is done.
Wisdom is a spirit, a friend to man, and will not leave the blasphemous unpunished, because GOD knows his innermost feelings, truly sees his thoughts and hears what HE says.
For GOD 's spirit has filled the whole world; and HE holds together all things, knows each word that is spoken." - Wisdom 1:1-7 
(GOD is more present to us than we are to ourselves.  We need not look very far for authentic wisdom: it appears as spirit coming from GOD that becomes present to us interiorly but is only revealed to the just.

How can we express the nearness of the in-accessible and holy GOD?  Here the author speaks of Providence, Wisdom, Justice, the Spirit of GOD.  HE speaks of them as if they were persons sent by GOD to look after us.  In fact, it is a way of presenting GOD HIMSELF who, though HE preserves HIS mystery, is close to people and to events.)


Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Possibility For Each One To Be Reborn Of GOD In GOD

"Then some Sadducees arrived.  These people claim that there is no resurrection, and they asked JESUS this question, 'Master, in the law Moses told us, 'if anyone dies leaving a wife but no children, his brother must take the wife, and any child born to them will be regarded as the child of the deceased.'  Now, there were seven brothers: the first married, but died without children.  The second married the woman, but also died childless.  And then the third married her, and in the same way all seven died, leaving no children.  Last of all the woman died.  On the day of the resurrection, to which of them will the woman be a wife?  For all seven had her as a wife.'
And JESUS replied, 'Taking a husband or a wife is proper to people of this world, but for those who are considered worthy of the world to come, and of resurrection from the dead, there is no more marriage.  Besides, they cannot die, for they are like the angels.  They are sons and daughters of GOD, because they are born of the resurrection.
Yes, the dead will be raised, as Moses revealed at the burning bush, when he called the LORD the GOD of Abraham and the GOD of Isaac and the GOD of Jacob.  For GOD is GOD of the living, and not of the dead, for to HIM everyone is alive.'" - Luke 20:27-38 

(Luke has his own expressions in speaking of the resurrection.  It is because in those countries of Greek culture [Luke wrote for them] many people believed in the immortality of the soul as something natural.  Luke clarified for them that the other life is not something natural; it is a gift of GOD for those who are considered worthy to enter it.

They too are sons and daughters of GOD.  Using a Hebrew expression, the text says: they too are sons of GOD [at that time the sons of GOD were the angels] because they are born of the resurrection.  This resurrection is not like coming back to the life we know, it is the work of the Holy Spirit, who transforms and sanctifies those HE resurrects.  Therefore the resurrected are sons and daughters of GOD in a much more authentic way than those of this world: delivered from sin, they are reborn of GOD.

To HIM everyone is alive.  They started to become alive when GOD knew them and called them, and they will not disappear, since GOD called them from this world to bring them into HIS own.)


Saturday, November 09, 2019

Boundless Trust In GOD's Power

"GOD is our strength and protection,
an ever-present help in affliction.

We will not fear, therefore;
though the earth be shaken
and the mountains plunge into the seas;
though its waters foam and roar;
though the mountains quake and totter.

For YAHWEH of hosts is with us,
the GOD of Jacob, our stronghold.

There is a river whose streams bring joy to the City of GOD,
the holy place, where the Most High dwells.
GOD is within, the city cannot quake,
for GOD's help is upon it at the break of day.
Kingdoms tottered, nations were in turmoil;
at the sound of HIS voice the earth melts away.

For with us is YAHWEH of hosts,
the GOD of Jacob, our refuge.

Come, see the works of YAHWEH--
the marvelous things HE has done in the world."
- Psalm 46:2-9

(It always gives Israel a feeling of security, to remember that her GOD is LORD of all the armies of heaven and earth.  The same power controls the universe and subdues hostile nations.  That is why the psalmist speaks in terms of cosmic catastrophe and is still confident.  In a tottering world, there is one unshaken Rock, the GOD of Jacob.  And meanwhile a life-giving string keeps Jerusalem, the center of this disturbed world, safe and prosperous, because where GOD is, there is peace.  One may think of the baptismal water that washes round the city we call Church.

Our certainty does not rest on the Temple of GOD, but on the GOD of the Temple.  It is good to pray with this psalm, if we want to cultivate this certainty rather than a false security.)


Those Not Told About HIM Will See, And Those Who Have Not Heard Will Understand

"As for me, brothers and sisters, I am convinced, that you have goodwill, knowledge, and the capacity to advise each other; nevertheless, I have written boldly in some parts of this letter, to remind you of what you already know.  I do this, according to the grace GOD has given to me, when I was sent to the pagan nations.  I dedicated myself to the service of the Good News of GOD, as a minister of CHRIST JESUS, in order to present the non-Jews to GOD, as an agreeable offering, consecrated by the Holy Spirit.  This service of GOD is, for me, a cause of pride, in CHRIST JESUS.
Of course, I would not dare to speak of other things, but what CHRIST, HIMSELF, has done, through me, my words and my works, with miracles and signs, by the power of the Holy Spirit--so, that, non-Jews may obey the faith.  In this way, I have extended the Good News to all parts, from Jerusalem to Illyricum.
I have been very careful, however, and I am proud of this, not to preach in places where CHRIST is already known, and not to build upon foundations laid by others.  Let it be as Scripture says: Those not told about HIM will see, and those who have not heard will understand." - Romans 15:14-21 
(Here we see how gentle Paul was.  He has the authority of an apostle of CHRIST and is able to solve the problems of the Church of Rome.  Yet, he takes great care not to create divisions or rivalries, and he shows respect for the founders and leaders of the Roman community.

As a minister of CHRIST JESUS.  This term must not be interpreted as meaning what we understand by the Church's priests.  The first Christians did not use the word priest to designate their ministers, in order not to confuse them with the Jewish or pagan ministers who offered victims to GOD.  Here, however, Paul compares himself to them.  He does not present burnt offerings to GOD, but instead, he presents the pagans and reconciles them to GOD.  This is the new and spiritual worship [12:1] that the apostles offer to GOD.

Still today there is danger of forgetting the difficult and often misinterpreted work of reconciling persons who have become both liberated and aware of their human worth.  Only those who dedicate themselves to this evangelization can rightly celebrate the Eucharist.)


Thursday, November 07, 2019

Each Of Us Will Account For Himself Before GOD

"In fact, none of us lives for himself, nor dies for himself.  If we live, we live for the LORD, and if we die, we die for the LORD.  Either in life or in death, we belong to the LORD.  It was for this purpose that CHRIST both died and came to life again, to be LORD, both of the living and of the dead.
Then you, why do you criticize your brother or sister?  And you, why do you despise them?  For we will all appear at the tribunal of GOD.  It is written: I swear by MYSELF--word of the LORD--every knee will bend before ME, and every tongue shall give glory to GOD.  So each of us will account for himself before GOD." - Romans 14:7-12 

(Paul reminds us of what JESUS had taught [Mark 7:19]: there is no food or drink that is forbidden.  Paul rejects, however, the disputes about all these things.  Do not criticize their scruples.  Whoever has overcome common prejudices must respect the conscience of others.  Each must sacrifice his own comfort for the well being of others when this is required.  We find similar difficulties when Christians of different backgrounds, races or political groups have to live together.  It is an opportunity for them to show respect for one another.)


Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Let This Be The Only Debt Of One To Another: Love

"Do not be in debt to anyone.  Let this be the only debt of one to another: Love.  The one who loves his or her neighbor fulfills the law.  For the commandments: Do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not covet, and whatever else, are summarized in this one: You will love your neighbor as yourself.  Love cannot do the neighbor any harm; so love fulfills the whole law." - Romans 13:8-10 

(As Paul says, "Give with an open hand."  He passes from the good discharge of ministries to the ministry of love for others.)

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

"FATHER, I Place Myself In YOUR Hands."

"O YAHWEH, my heart is not proud
nor do I have arrogant eyes.
I am not engrossed in ambitious matters,
nor in things too great for me.

I have quieted and stilled my soul,
like a weaned child, on its mother's lap;
like a contented child is my soul.
Hope in YAHWEH, O Israel,
now and forever."
- Psalm 131:1-3

(A perfect expression of the childlike trust and peace which should be the attitude of the children of GOD!  But, not one that is achieved without effort--'I have quieted and stilled my soul'.

The prayer of Charles de Foucauld, "FATHER, I place myself in YOUR hands," is a beautiful paraphrase of this psalm.)


Monday, November 04, 2019

When You Give A Feast, Invite Instead The Poor, The Crippled, The Lame And The Blind

"JESUS also addressed the man who had invited HIM, and said, 'When you give a lunch or a dinner, don't invite your friends, or your brothers and relatives, or your wealthy neighbors.  For surely they will also invite you in return, and you will be repaid.  When you give a feast, invite instead the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind.  Fortunate are you then, because they cannot repay you.  You will be repaid at the resurrection of the upright.'" - Luke 14:12-14 

(Everyone of us seeks to be near those who are above us, since we think we benefit more from being connected with those who are superior than with those who are inferior.  

JESUS warning points to one of the main causes of injustice.  We all share in the guilt when we decide with whom it is more beneficial to be associated; consequently everyone tries to climb higher, always leaving the weakest in the most isolated and helpless position.

It would be a strange sight to see public officials pay more attention to the poorly dressed, or to see the poorest areas supplied with water and power before the residential districts, or to see doctors go to the rural areas to practice.)


Sunday, November 03, 2019

"The Son of Man Has Come To Seek And To Save The Lost."

"JESUS entered Jericho and was passing through it.  A man named Zaccheus lived there.  He was a tax collector and a wealthy man.  He wanted to see what JESUS was like, but he was a short man and could not see HIM because of the crowd.  So he ran ahead and climbed up a sycamore tree.  From there he would be able to see JESUS, who was going to pass that way.  When JESUS came to the place, HE looked up and said to him, 'Zaccheus, come down quickly, for I must stay at your house today.'  So Zaccheus climbed down and received HIM joyfully.
All the people who saw it began to grumble, and said, 'HE has gone as a guest to the house of a sinner.'  But Zaccheus spoke to JESUS, 'Half of what I own, LORD, I will give to the poor, and if I have cheated anyone, I will pay him back four times as much.'  Looking at him JESUS said, 'Salvation has come to this house today, for he is also a true son of Abraham.  The Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.'" - Luke 19:1-10 

(Everyone in Jericho was pointing a finger at Zaccheus: how could a man involved in dirty deals, [like he was] be converted?  What punishment would GOD send to him?  Instead of punishing him, GOD comes to his home.

JESUS shows that HE is guided by the Spirit when HE spots Zaccheus among so many people and when HE understands at that very moment, that on that day HE has come to Jericho, above all, to save a rich man.

Zaccheus knows that he is the object of envy and hatred.  He is not all bad: although his hands are dirty, he has not lost the sense of what is good and he admires the prophet JESUS secretly.  GOD is able to save him because of his good desires.  The favor JESUS does to him compels him to manifest the human and good qualities hidden in him.

It is said that he received JESUS joyfully: a joy that shows the transformation that has taken place in him.  After that, he will have no trouble in rectifying his evil deeds.  Then he will share and reestablish justice.

The people are indignant, and in that they imitate the Pharisees; they believe that JESUS should share their prejudice and even their resentment.  JESUS is not a demagogue; the crowd's lack of understanding does not matter to him any more than that of the Pharisees.  Once again, JESUS shows HIS power; HE destroys evil by saving the sinner.)


Saturday, November 02, 2019

All Those Whom The FATHER Gives ME Will Come To ME

"'Yet all those whom the FATHER gives ME will come to ME, and whoever comes to ME, I shall not turn away.  For I have come from heaven, not to do MY will, but the will of the One who sent ME.
And the will of HIM who sent ME is that I lose nothing of what HE has given ME, but instead that I raise it up on the last day.  This is the will of the FATHER, that whoever sees the Son and believes in HIM shall live eternal life; and I will raise him up on the last day.'" - John 6:37-40 
(Not all those who take pride in belonging to the true religion come to CHRIST, but only those whom the FATHER knows.  Though the church embraces many people of all descriptions, only those to whom the FATHER has given this grace will find their way to the controversial and humble CHRIST.  While acknowledging the value of the sacraments and good works, we should not forget what JESUS taught: none of our own efforts can substitute for the grace of being chosen by the FATHER who calls us to know HIS Son in truth.)


Friday, November 01, 2019

We Shall Be Like HIM

"See what singular love the FATHER has for us: we are called children of GOD, and we really are.  This is why the world does not know us, because it did not know HIM.
Beloved, we are GOD's children, and what we shall be has not, yet, been shown.  Yet, when HE appears in HIS glory, we know, that we shall be like HIM, for, then, we shall see HIM as HE is.  All who have such a hope, try to be pure, as HE is pure." - 1 John 3:1-3 

(We are GOD's children and we must live as such.  How do we prove that we are GOD's children?  According to the same criteria that we have already seen: breaking away from sin, keeping the commandment of love, proclaiming our faith.  There are many ways of saying we are GOD's children.  One person might simply think: "GOD loves people" means that human beings have great dignity.  Here John calls our attention to two points:
- you are sons and daughters, but in order to become like GOD, do not seek anything else but to be perfect as GOD is perfect;
- you are children who will return to the FATHER.  Do you really think about the unique and transcendent end for which GOD has chosen you?  Being aware of this, let us understand that GOD purifies us in a thousand ways, because only in this way can we attain our goal.

We shall be like HIM: sharing all that GOD is and somehow becoming GOD with GOD [see 1 Corinthians 13:13].  Those who now bear their lives of suffering with CHRIST will be transfigured like HIM [Mark 9:2-3; Colossians 3:4].  Then the universe will reach its goal, having the children of GOD as its center [Romans 8:19] or better, the New Creature.)