Sunday, June 16, 2019

YAHWEH Created Me First, At The Beginning Of HIS Works

"YAHWEH created me first, 
at the beginning of HIS works.
HE formed me from of old,
from eternity, even before the earth.
The abyss did not exist when I was born,
the springs of the sea had not gushed forth,
the mountains were still not set in their place
nor the hills, when I was born
before HE made the earth or countryside,
or the first grains of the world's dust.
I was there when HE made the skies
and drew the earth's compass on the abyss,
when HE formed the clouds above
and when the springs of the ocean emerged;
when HE made the sea with its limits,
that it might not overflow.

When HE laid the foundations of the earth,
I was close beside HIM,
the designer of HIS works,
and I was HIS daily delight, 
forever playing in HIS presence,
playing throughout the world
and delighting to be with humans."
- Proverbs 8:22-31

(YAHWEH created me first, at the beginning of HIS works.  Note the poetic way of presenting wisdom as if it were someone, as if it were a daughter of GOD.  I was HIS daily delight, forever playing in AHIS presence; playing throughout the world.  Such figures of speech contain a religious discovery of the last centuries before CHRIST.

For a very long time Scripture insisted on the fact that there is only one GOD and that HE has nothing to do with the countless gods of the pagans.  Now believers sense that there is something missing in their knowledge of YAHWEH.  How can GOD be a source of life and love if HE is locked up in HIS solitude?  Thanks to the Scriptures, believers know that besides being the Almighty and Holy GOD, the LORD becomes present to HIS people, in the temple and the Cloud, and that HE reveals HIMSELF to the prophets to whom HE sends HIS Spirit.

Thus, in the last books of the Old Testament, the authors speak of the Spirit, the Wisdom, the Power, the Providence of GOD and something different from HIM, like characters sharing GOD's mysterious life and through whom HE is involved in human affairs.

This is a way of preparing for the great revelation which will happen with the coming of JESUS.  GOD is one in three persons and from the beginning HIS eternal Son "through whom all things were made" and who came to live among us was with the FATHER [see John 1:1-4; Colossians 1:15 and Hebrews 1:2-3].

Thus Wisdom is a figure of CHRIST.  Christians came to see it as an image of their mother, Mary.  In fact, more than any other creature, she was present in GOD's plans from the beginning and deserves to be called "Throne of Wisdom" since she was so intimately united with the Son, the Wisdom of GOD.)   


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