Saturday, June 01, 2019

Whatever You Ask The FATHER In MY Name, HE Will Give You

"When that day comes you will not ask ME anything.  Truly, I say to you, whatever you ask the FATHER in MY name, HE will give you.  So far, you have not asked for anything in MY name; ask, and receive, that your joy may be full.
I have taught you all these things in veiled language, but the time is coming when I shall no longer speak in veiled language, but will speak to you plainly about the FATHER. 
When that day comes, you will ask in MY name; and it will not be necessary for ME to ask the FATHER for you, for the FATHER HIMSELF loves you, because you have loved ME, and you believed that I came from the FATHER.  As I came from the FATHER, and have come into the world, so I AM leaving the world, and going to the FATHER." - John 16:23-28 
(I will speak to you plainly... The naïve response of the apostles in verse 29 underlines by contrast what JESUS expressed in verse 25.  JESUS did not mean that HE would return in visible form to teach, not in parables, but more clearly; JESUS referred rather to the spiritual knowledge of HIMSELF and HIS words that the disciples were to receive from the Spirit.

You will ask in MY name.  Through a spiritual knowledge of JESUS, the believers will know what they should ask of HIM and HE will give it to them.  In the same manner, they will know the things that GOD does not want to give, and because of that they will neither desire nor ask for them.)


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