Sunday, October 07, 2018

Now My Eyes Have Seen YOU

"This was the answer Job gave to YAHWEH:
I know that YOU are all powerful;
no plan of YOURS can be thwarted.
I spoke of things I did not understand,
too wonderful for me to know.
My ears had heard of YOU,
but now my eyes have seen YOU.
Therefore I retract all I have said,
and in dust and ashes I repent."
- Job 42:1-6

(Job's questions about suffering and death have not been answered, but now we realize that it was not essential.  GOD has responded.  GOD has revealed HIMSELF and Job has begun to live as someone who has been miraculously freed from his loneliness.  The words addressed by GOD to him seem reproachful, but Job feels better off with a thousand reproaches than with nothing.

What Job needed was not a revelation, since GOD gave him intelligence to investigate these human questions.  What he lacked was to see GOD, and this is the great yearning of the entire Scriptures: "Show us your face and we will be saved" [Psalm 80:8].)


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