Sunday, August 28, 2016


Hello! and happy holy and family day to all of us, GUYS.  For our first-thing-first this Sunday:

THE GOOD NEWS (28 August 2016)
"MY son, conduct your affairs with discretion and you will be loved by those who are acceptable to GOD.
The greater you are, the more you should humble yourself and thus you will find favor with GOD.  For great is the power of the LORD and it is the humble who give HIM glory.
Do not seek what is beyond your powers nor search into what is beyond your ability.  Reflect on what you are commanded to do; there is no need for you to know things that are hidden.
Do not tire yourself in resolving useless questions since the knowledge you already have goes beyond human understanding.
For many have been led astray by their personal theories and false pretension has undermined reason.
The obstinate man will eventually fall into evil, and he who loves danger will perish there in.  The obstinate man will be weighed down with sufferings; the sinner heaps up sin upon sin.
For the sufferings of the proud man there is no remedy, the roots of evil are implanted in him.  The wise man reflects on proverbs.  What the wise man desires is an attentive ear. - Sirach 3:17-29  

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