Friday, December 25, 2015

The Radiance Of The Glory Of The FATHER!

Hi! and happy good CHRISTMAS DAY to all of us, Guys.  Our today's first-thing-first:
"GOD has spoken in the past to our ancestors through the prophets, in many different ways, although never completely; but in our times HE has spoken definitively to us through HIS Son.
HE is the one GOD appointed heir of all things, since through HIM HE unfolded the stages of the world.
HE is the radiance of GOD's Glory and bears the stamp of GOD's hidden being, so that HIS powerful word upholds the universe.  And after taking away sin, HE took HIS place at the right hand of the divine Majesty in heaven. 
So HE is now far superior to angels just as the name HE received sets HIM apart from them.  To what angel did GOD say:   YOU are MY son, I have begotten YOU today?  and to what angel did HE promise:  I shall be a FATHER to HIM and HE will be a SON to ME?  On sending HIS Firstborn to the world, GOD says:  Let all the angels adore HIM." - Hebrews 1:1-6
(This chapter shows CHRIST, the SON of GOD, as superior to angels.  Before JESUS was born, the SON was in GOD, the radiance of the glory of the FATHER.  GOD from GOD, Light from light, invisible IMAGE of the invisible GOD, bearing the stamp of GOD's hidden being.)

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