Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Parable Of The Two Sons

Hi! and happy good Tuesday to all of us; and, it's just 10 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  For our "daily bread" today:

THE GOOD NEWS (15 December 2015)
"JESUS went on to say, 'What do you think of this?  A man had two sons.  He went to the first and said to him: 'Son, today go and work in my vineyard.  And the son answered:  'I don't want to.'  But later he thought better of it and went.  Then the father went to the second and gave him the same command.  This son replied: 'I will go, sir,' but he did not go.
Which of the two did what the father wanted?  They answered, 'The first.'  And JESUS said to them, "Truly, I say to you:  the publicans and the prostitutes are ahead of you on the way to the kingdom of heaven.  For John came to show you the way of goodness but you did not believe him, yet the publicans and the prostitutes did.  You were witnesses of this, but you neither repented nor believed him." - Matthew 21:28-32

The Chief Priests
(This parable refers to the refusal of the chief priests to recognize John the Baptist as a messenger of GOD.

A good number of sinners were converted by John's preaching and confessed their sins.  Such people were well disposed to receive the message of JESUS that opened for them the kingdom of GOD and showed them the true face of GOD the FATHER.  Because of that, they were ahead of the priests, who were indifferent to John's call, for they felt neither the desire nor the need to change.

Every parish that carries out a mission experiences the same thing:  many uncommitted Christians will neither work as missionaries, nor receive them, believing they do not need conversion.)

John The Baptist

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