Saturday, July 03, 2021

You Are Of The Household Of GOD

 "Now you are no longer strangers or guests, but fellow citizens of the holy people: you are of the household of GOD.  You are the house, whose foundations are the apostles and prophets, and whose cornerstone is CHRIST JESUS.  In HIM, the whole structure is joined together and rises to be a holy temple in the LORD.  In HIM, you too, are being built to become the spiritual Sanctuary of GOD." - Ephesians 2:19-22 

(You are of the household of GOD.  In biblical language this means: to belong to GOD's family.  From there, Paul moves on to another image: you are the household, namely, the true Temple of GOD.  The community of believers from the Temple, or better, is being transformed into the Temple of GOD.

This imposing vision of the Church and our unity in the Church will perhaps astonish many Christians of today who are usually more aware of their responsibilities towards the world than towards our antiquated Church.  Yet, of what Spirit shall we be bearers, and shall we do this work if we are not supported by a community?  Solidarity with those who share our options and our culture cannot replace participation in the Christian community.  There are probably many things in the Christian community we are not happy with.  However, it would be a bad sign if we were unable to recognize in it the truth that is missing in our non-Christian friends, and without which we would lose our reason for living.)


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