Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Under The Wing Of GOD's Protection

 "You, who dwell in the shelter of the Most High,
who rest in the shadow of the Almighty,
say to YAHWEH, 'My stronghold,
my refuge, my GOD in whom I trust!'

HE will rescue you from the fowler's snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
HE will cover you with HIS pinions
and give you refuge under HIS wings.

'Because they cling to ME, I will rescue them,' says YAHWEH
'I will protect those who know MY name.

When they call to ME, I will answer;
in time of trouble, I will be with them;
I will deliver and honor them.'"
- Psalm 91:1-2. 3-4. 14-15

(The devil can quote Scripture [Matthew 4:6].  He was shrewd enough to recognize a quality and to try to play on its defects.  But this is not quite accurate, because presumption is not a flaw that corresponds to trust in GOD.  The child who leaves his mother's hand and tries his own two legs does not trust her but himself.  In any case, we must not let the devil spoil this psalm for us.  For many people it is the most consoling of the Psalter, and small wonder.  It assures us, in several strangely assorted pathos of a GOD waiting--and longing--to be asked!

This is a powerful psalm prayed daily for protection against the powers of the Evil One.  It is so powerful that even the devil tried to use it in his own devious way, to tempt JESUS in the desert [Matthew 4:6].  Of course, he was not successful and therefore, we have the assurance that he will not be successful in tempting us either.

It will be good to pray with this psalm, to ratify and purify our trust in GOD, precisely when dangers besiege us.)

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