Monday, July 12, 2021

Thanksgiving For Help In Crisis

 "Had not YAHWEH been on our side--
let Israel say--
had not YAHWEH been on our side,
when people rose up against us,
then, they would have swallowed us alive;
such was their anger against us.
A bit more, and the flood would have engulfed us;
the torrent would have swept over us;
the raging waters would have swept us away.

Blessed be YAHWEH,
who did not let us be devoured.
Like a bird, our soul escaped
from the snare of the fowler;
the snare was broken and we were freed.
Our help is in the name of YAHWEH,
who made heaven and earth."
- Psalm 124:1-3. 4-6. 7-8

(Our adversary, the devil, goes around like a roaring lion: like a man swept away by a flood, like a child in a trap.  How helpless we are, how lost--except for GOD!

'If GOD is for us, who can be against us?'  Paul asks [Romans 8:31].  When we live at the limit of our smallness, the liberator of our life arises: GOD as helper.  HE sustains us.  We give thanks to HIM.

With admiration and gratitude, the people of GOD remember how they overcame their trials because GOD was with them.  An invitation to give thanks!  If we have not the heart to thank GOD, it is because we do not know how to discover the wonders in our own lives and in the world.  It is strange that in the communities of the poor and the persecuted, the prayers of thanksgiving are interminable.)


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