Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Last Years Of Joseph

 "When Joseph's brothers realized that their father was dead they said, 'What if Joseph turns against us in hate because of the evil we did him?' So they sent word to Joseph saying, 'Before he died your father told us to say this to you: Please forgive the crime and the sin of your brothers in doing evil to you.  Forgive the crime of the servants of your father's GOD.'  When he was given the message, Joseph wept.  His brothers went and threw themselves down before him.  'We are your slaves,' they said.  But Joseph reassured them, 'Don't be afraid!  Am I in the place of GOD?  You intended to do me harm, but GOD intended to turn it to good in order to bring about what is happening today--the survival of many people.  So have no fear!  I will provide for you and your little ones.  In this way he touched their hearts and consoled them.

Joseph remained in Egypt together with all his father's family.  He lived for a hundred and ten years, long enough to see Ephraim's great-grandchildren, and also to have the children of Machir, the son of Manasseh, placed on his knees after their birth.

Then Joseph said to his brothers, 'I am going to die, but GOD will surely remember you and take you from this country to the land HE promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.'  Joseph then made the sons of Israel swear, saying, 'When GOD comes to bring you out from here, carry my bones with you.'  Joseph died at the age of one hundred and ten; they embalmed him and laid him in a coffin in Egypt." - Genesis 50:15-26 

(Note how Jacob and Joseph die: believers of ancient times were still ignorant of the resurrection of the dead.  They lived the lives GOD gave them on this earth to the fullest; they were guided by the conviction that in their faithfulness of their mission, they were laboring for a better world which their children would see.  The long and happy years that GOD had given them after their trials led them to understand that GOD was just and generous with all people.

Yet, while they did not hope for a life beyond, they were lacking a great deal to be fulfilled persons.  They thought that when a person died, part of the spirit went to live below the earth next to his fathers in a place from which GOD was absent as were the cares of the living.  They thought GOD their friend and faithful defender would allow them to be lost forever!  They must have had to repress their longing and silence their doubts to convince themselves that such a thing was just and good.

Their efforts to be resigned made them serious, conscientious people, subject to the mysterious will of GOD: but in exchange they were not given the happiness and spontaneity of children and a passionate love for their Savior.  In that, they were not very different from good atheists or people of good faith though poorly informed, who live without faith in the resurrection.)


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