Saturday, February 24, 2024

"If GOD Is With Us, Who Shall Be Against Us?"

"What shall we say after this?  If GOD is with us, who shall be against us?  If HE did not spare HIS own Son, but gave HIM up for us all, how HE will not give us all things with HIM?  Who shall accuse those chosen by GOD:  HE takes away their guilt.  Who will dare to condemn them?  CHRIST, who died, and better still, rose, and is seated at the right hand of GOD, interceding for us?" - Romans 8:31-34  
(Who shall be against us?  Paul is thinking of the evil surrounding us that frequently drags us down.  He is thinking of the Day of Judgment when the accuser, the Spirit of Evil, could face us with the faults we have committed.  He thinks of our troubled conscience that often brings us remorse.  None of these will be stronger than the love and forgiveness of CHRIST.  The believer should not be alarmed at his repeated faults or doubt the love of GOD but try to live according to the truth.)


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