Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Security Of GOD's Friends

 "YAHWEH is in HIS holy place--
our GOD whose throne is in heaven.
HE looks down to earth
to observe the race of Adam.

YAHWEH searches both righteous and wicked.
HE hates those who delight in violence.
Upon the wicked, HE will rain
coals of fire and brimstone;
a burning blast will be their lot.

For YAHWEH is righteous;
HE loves justice.
The upright will see HIS face."
- Psalm 11:4-7

(This is another picturesque variation of the theme of trust in GOD.  The psalmist is confident that the righteous will meet GOD face to face and chooses not to let the wicked trouble him instead.  The hunters are out again, but the psalmist is already away to the refuge he knows so well, every cranny of it, the mountains, which is GOD.  What else can he do, when all the rest that seemed dependable, has collapsed?  Perhaps the attitude is as grudging as Peter's 'To whom shall we go?'  Doubtless, our own motives are never unmixed: something creative has disappointed us and we turn to the Creator.  Strangely enough, HE seems to be satisfied with this: HE runs to us, undignified like the Prodigal's father.  Shall we ever understand how humble GOD's love is?  Even the form of a servant was not enough, unless it hung on a cross!)

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