Thursday, September 01, 2022

Reflections On Good And Evil

 "Trust in YAHWEH and do good; dwell in the land and live on it.
Make YAHWEH your delight; and HE will grant your heart's desire.
Commit your way to YAHWEH; put your trust in HIM and let HIM act.
Then will your revenge come, beautiful as the dawn, and the justification of your cause, bright as the noonday sun.
Do good and shun evil, so that you will live secure forever.
For YAHWEH loves justice and right, and never forsakes HIS faithful ones.  The wicked, instead, will perish, and their breed will be cut off.
YAHWEH is the salvation of the righteous; in time of distress, HE is their refuge.
YAHWEH helps them and rescues them from the oppressor; HE saves them, for they sought shelter in HIM."
- Psalm 37:3-4. 5-6. 27-28. 39-40

(This psalm offers a very simple solution to the problem of evil which will satisfy few today.  Neither power nor riches give access to the inheritance that GOD promised to HIS children.  The psalmist offers a very strong warning against all evildoers.  At the same time, encourages the righteous with the promise of help from the LORD.  And our LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF, in the Beatitudes in Chapter 5 of the Gospel of Matthew, has taught us the way to true life and eternal happiness.)

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