Sunday, December 01, 2019

Let Us Discard Everything That Belongs To Darkness, And Let Us Put On The Armor Of Light

"You know what hour it is.  This is the time to awake, for our salvation is, now, nearer than when we first believed; the night is almost over, and day is at hand.  Let us discard, therefore, everything that belongs to darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.  As we live in the full light of day, let us behave with decency; no banquets with drunkenness, no promiscuity or licentiousness, no fighting or jealousy.  Put on, rather, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and do not be led by the will of the flesh nor follow its desires." - Romans 13:11-14 

(You know what hour it is.  This is the time to awake.  Paul was just recalling the duties of a Christian in this world and he already turns to the opposite direction: beware of settling down in this world.  The Christian is always awaiting the coming of CHRIST.

During the first thirty years of the Church, all waited for the imminent return of JESUS.  When it became clear to them that history was being extended, they began thinking more of each one's last end: it was then that they would meet CHRIST.  In the present century we have come to realize that history is going towards an end and that we not only have to be ready for the last hour, but that we must also work for the evangelization of the world.  The Gospel is the power that, directly or indirectly, brings all human history to maturity; by living holy and responsible lives we hasten the coming of the kingdom of GOD [2 Peter 3:11-12].)


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