Thursday, April 18, 2019

First Song Of The Servant Of YAHWEH

"Here is MY servant whom I uphold,
MY chosen one in whom I delight.
I have put MY spirit upon HIM,
and HE will bring justice to the nations.
HE does not shout or raise HIS voice.
Proclamations are not heard in the streets.

A broken reed HE will not crush,
nor will HE snuff out the light
of the wavering wick.
HE will make justice appear in truth.

HE will not waver or be broken 
until HE has established justice on earth;
the islands are waiting for HIS law.

Thus says GOD, YAHWEH,
who created the heavens and stretched them out,
who spread the earth and all that comes from it,
who gives life and breath to those who walk on it:

I, YAHWEH, have called YOU for the sake of justice;
I will hold YOUR hand to make YOU firm;
I will make YOU as a Covenant to the people,
and as a light to the nations,
to open eyes that do not see,
to free captives from prison,
to bring out to light those who sit in darkness."
- Isaiah 42:1-7

(Here is the first of the songs of the Servant of YAHWEH.  The other poems of the Servant are in 49:1; 50:4; 52:13.

The servant is at times Israel, in other passages it is the minority of the faithful, conscious of their vocation, who try to struggle against the indifference of the majority.  It would also signify the prophet [or prophets] who share with the faithful the word of GOD.

In different passages of the Gospel JESUS assures HIS disciples that they are the "sons of the prophets," and the Apostles, in their turn would understand that the Servant after all and before all others, is JESUS [Matthew 12:8; Acts 3:13; 4:27].  JESUS, Servant of HIS FATHER and Son of HIS maidservant [Psalm 116:16 and Luke 1:38].)


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