Monday, September 11, 2017

CHRIST In You, The Hope For Glory

"At present, I rejoice when I suffer for you; I complete, in my own flesh, what is lacking in the sufferings of CHRIST, for the sake of HIS body, which is the church.  For I am serving the church since GOD entrusted to me the ministry to make the word of GOD fully known.  I mean that mysterious plan that, for centuries and generations, remained secret, and which GOD has now revealed to HIS holy ones.
GOD willed to make known to them the riches, and even the glory, that HIS mysterious plan reserved for the pagan nations: CHRIST is in you, the hope for glory.
This CHRIST, we preach.  We warn, and teach everyone true wisdom, aiming to make everyone perfect, in CHRIST.  For this cause I labor and struggle, with the energy of CHRIST working powerfully in me.
I want you to know how I strive for you, for those of Laodicea, and for so many who have not met me personally.  I pray, that all may be encouraged.  May you be established in love, that you may obtain all the riches of a full understanding, and know the mystery of GOD, CHRIST HIMSELF.  For, in HIM, are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." - Colossians 1:24-2:3 

(I complete in my own flesh what is lacking in the sufferings of CHRIST.  After CHRIST's death something would be lacking in the salvation of the world, if JESUS' followers and apostles did not, in their turn, meet with trials and sufferings. Working for the Church means suffering for the Church; to work for the rule of justice is to suffer for the sake of justice.

HIS mysterious plan: see Ephesians 3:5.  We must not forget that in those days, no one even thought of the common destiny of humanity: they did not even speak of humanity.  Moreover, neither the Greeks nor the Romans looked beyond their actual existence.  Paul is amazed by the generosity of GOD whose promises are for all the people, without distinction.  We, too, are offered nothing less than a share in the glory of GOD, that is to say, all the riches found in HIM.

I want you to know how I strive for you.  This struggle of Paul signifies labor and prayer.  It would be very tempting [and it is the temptation of the Colossians] to make Christianity an attractive religion, with beautiful explanations, leaving people hanging on to their dreams and passions, a religion that does not attack the sin rooted in our way of life and in our society.  To join the attack we must first be convinced that it is in CHRIST that we find the whole mystery of GOD.)

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