Saturday, March 04, 2017

The Fast That Pleases ME

“See the fast that pleases me:

breaking the fetters of injustice

and unfastening the thongs of the yoke,

setting the oppressed free

and breaking every yoke.

Fast by sharing your food with the hungry,

bring to your house the homeless,

clothe the one you see naked

and do not turn away from your own kin.”

Isaiah 58:6-7

(Unfastening the thongs of the yoke.  Here we have a glimpse of the tremendous effort demanded of all in order to do away with every form of slavery: from the small privileges that working companions compete for, to the laws that keep entire groups marginated.  It includes breaking the yoke of husbands’ domination over their wives and the disputes between neighbours when no one dares to take the first step.

It is not enough to be converted to GOD “from the heart,” for conversion comes about by changing both persons and structures.  These make us share in the injustices and sins of the society in which we live.  An incredible of sins – corruption, prostitution, violence – are linked to colonialism and the economic and cultural dependence that go with it.

Sharing your food with the hungry: and that on a world scale for humankind is one, the only Adam of whom CHRIST is the head.)

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