Friday, April 01, 2016

Peter And John Are Arrested

Hello! and happy good first day of April, the income taxation month, and TGIF to all of us, GUYS.  For our first-thing-first today:

THE GOOD NEWS (01 April 2016)
"While Peter and John were still speaking to the people, the priests, the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to them.  They were greatly disturbed because the apostles were teaching the people and proclaiming that resurrection from the dead had been proved in the case of JESUS.  Since it was already evening, they arrested them and put them in custody until the following day.  But  despite this, many of those who heard the Message believed and their number increased to about five thousand.
The next day, the Jewish leaders, elders and teachers of the law assembled in Jerusalem.  Annas, the High Priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and all who were of the high priestly class were there.  They brought Peter and John before them and began to question them, 'How did you do this?  Whose name did you use?'
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, spoke up, 'Leaders of the people!  Elders!  It is a fact that we are being examined today for a good deed done to a cripple.  How was he healed?  You and all the people of Israel must know that this man stands before you cured through the Name of JESUS CHRIST the Nazarean.  You had HIM crucified , but GOD raised HIM from the dead.  JESUS is the stone rejected by you the builders which has become the cornerstone.  There is no salvation in anyone else, for there is no other Name given to humankind all over the world by which we may be saved'." - Acts 4:1-12 
Peter And John Arrested
(The Jewish leaders judge Peter and John.  The Holy Spirit judges the leaders of the Jews.

These leaders believe they possess the truth because they are learned and have authority.  It is impossible for them to back down before ordinary men who refute their statements.  Meanwhile Peter points out how strange it is to be arrested for having healed a sick man.

These leaders were Sadducees and they did not believe in the resurrection of the dead: Acts 23:6.

This text suggests that all of us can be the witnesses of CHRIST and of the truth, if we are determined to be involved.  Oftentimes, because we only rely on our own strength instead of counting on the Spirit of CHRIST, we remain silent before our co-workers or our leaders.)

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