Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Israelite Proclaims His Faith

Hi! and happy holy and family day to all of us, GUYS.  Our first-thing-first this Sunday:

THE GOOD NEWS (14 February 2016)
"Then the priest shall take the large basket from your hands and place it before the altar of YAHWEH, your GOD, and you shall say these words before YAHWEH, 'My father was a wandering Aramean.  He went down to Egypt to find refuge there, while still few in number; but in that country, he became a great and powerful nation.
The Egyptians maltreated us, oppressed us and subjected us to harsh slavery.  So we called to YAHWEH,  the GOD of our fathers, and YAHWEH listened to us.  HE saw our humiliation, our hard labor and the oppression to which we were subjected.  HE brought us out of Egypt with a firm hand, manifesting HIS power with signs and awesome wonders.  And HE brought us here to give us this land flowing with milk and honey.  So now I bring and offer the firstfruits of the land which YOU, YAHWEH, have given me." - Deuteronomy 26:4-10 
The Promised Land
(My father was a wandering Aramean.  This paragraph is like a profession of faith for the Israelites. They know they were chosen from among pagan Arameans and that GOD, after liberating them, had given them the prosperity they were enjoying.  Likewise, the various formulations of the "creed" which the Church now uses, place at the very center the liberating work that GOD, FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT, realizes for our benefit.)  

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