Saturday, January 23, 2016

JESUS' True Family

Hello! and happy good weekend to all of us, GUYS.  For our "food for the soul" this Saturday:
"Then HIS mother and HIS brothers came.  As they stood outside, they sent someone to call HIM.  The crowd sitting around JESUS told HIM, 'YOUR mother and YOUR brothers are outside asking for YOU.'  HE replied, 'Who are MY mother and MY brothers?'
And looking around at those who sat there, HE said, 'Here are MY mother and MY brothers.  Whoever does the will of GOD is brother and sister and mother to ME'." - Mark 3:31-35 

(JESUS lost HIS relatives but found HIS true brothers and sisters.  When we commit ourselves to GOD's work, we discover new brothers and sisters and a mother, Mary, of whom the Gospel says, "Happy are you for having believed that GOD's promises would be fulfilled."  JESUS does not say, "He is my father," for the FATHER is one and HE is in Heaven.)

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