Sunday, October 11, 2015

2nd Sunday, October 2015

Hi! and happy holy and family day to all of us; and, it's just 75 days to go before Christmas, GUYS.  Our first-thing-first this Sunday:
THE GOOD NEWS (11 October 2015)
                1st Reading  :  Wisdom 7:7-11
                Psalm           :  Psalm 90:12-17
                2nd Reading:  Hebrew 4:12-13
                Gospel         :  Mark 10:17-30
"I prayed and understanding was given to me;  I asked earnestly and the spirit of Wisdom came to me. 

I preferred her to scepters and thrones and I considered wealth as nothing compared with her.
I preferred her to any jewel of inestimable value, since gold beside her is nothing but a few grains of sand, and silver but mud.  I loved her more than wealth and beauty and even preferred her to light, because her radiance never dies.
She brought with her all other good things, untold riches in her hands." - Wisdom 7:7-11
(This is an invitation to seek Wisdom as one would seek a spouse:  we remember that at this time sovereign rulers would "espouse" such and such divinity which allowed them at times to take possession, in the name of their spouse, of the treasures in his temple.  Seeking the Wisdom of GOD is no different from what we do when we speak of union with CHRIST:  we must not forget that HE is uncreated Wisdom.  This communion is not a matter of something sentimental:  it is the costly and never-ending search for the one who is the Truth.
I preferred her to any jewel of inestimable value.  See Matthew 13:44-45.)

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