"From Mount Hor they set out by the Red Sea Road to go around the land of Edom. The people were discouraged by the journey and began to complain against GOD and Moses. 'Why have you brought us out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is neither bread nor water here and we are disgusted with this tasteless manna.'
YAHWEH then sent fiery serpents against them. They bit the people and many of the Israelites died. Then the people came to Moses and said, 'We have sinned, speaking against YAHWEH and against you. Plead with YAHWEH to take the serpents away.'
Moses pleaded for the people and YAHWEH said to him, 'Make a fiery serpent and set it on a standard; whoever has been bitten and then looks at it shall live.'
So, Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a standard. Whenever a man was bitten, he looked towards the bronze serpent, and he lived." - Numbers 21:4-9
(With regard to the bronze serpent, two quite different questions may be asked. The first: what is the historical origin of this account? An easy answer: near the Sinai mines a healing god was honored and little bronze serpents were offered in thanksgiving. The stories of travelers must have inspired the narrative. But the important question is the second: what does this page of the holy book intend to say?
The people complained. The Israelites complain again: this is the inner rebellion of those who do not accept sacrifices and will not exert themselves in order to become better and who would rather blame others.
Make a bronze serpent. A strange command to the Israelites, but the bronze serpent will be a prophetic sign: GOD intends to cure the sin with the very instrument of the sin.
Whoever looks at it shall live: another prophetic statement. Sinners will not have to follow strict prescriptions: let them merely look with faith at the sign GOD sends for their healing. JESUS will say: "Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up [on the cross] so that he who believes in HIM will have eternal life" [John 3:14].
The story of the serpent is one of those biblical images with a hidden meaning, and people had to wait for the day when CHRIST would give them meaning. The same is true of the story of Melchizedek [Genesis 14] and the story of Joseph.
The same is true in our own lives; in our past there have been some incidents which we did not understand at that time. Why did this happen to me? Someday, the light of CHRIST will reveal the meaning.)
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