Monday, January 13, 2025

"In Truth, I Tell You."

"JESUS went down to Capernaum, a town of Galilee, and began teaching the people at the Sabbath meetings.  They were astonished at the way HE taught them, for HIS word was spoken with authority.
In the synagogue, there was a man possessed by an evil spirit, who shouted in a loud voice, 'What do YOU want with us, JESUS of Nazareth?  Have YOU come to destroy us?  I recognize YOU: YOU are the Holy One of GOD.'  Then JESUS said to him sharply, 'Be silent and leave this man!'  The evil spirit then threw the man down in front of them and came out of him without doing him harm.
Amazement seized all these people, and they said to one another, 'What does this mean?  HE commands the evil spirits with authority and power.  HE orders, and you see how they come out!'  And news about JESUS spread throughout the surrounding area." - Luke 4:31-37  
(Mark has shown us how JESUS began HIS public life: HE became part of a movement of conversion that had shaken everyone at the call of John the Baptist.  It was then that JESUS began preaching and met HIS first disciples.

Mark will now give us a "day" in the life of JESUS.  Through HIS words and actions, a power that impresses every witness becomes manifest.  At the beginning of HIS ministry, JESUS preaches in the synagogues.  The synagogue is the Jewish house of prayer.  People gather each Saturday for the chanting of the Psalms and the reading of the Scriptures.  The one in charge preaches and invites others to join.  This is where JESUS reveals HIMSELF.  HE is not like the teachers of the law who repeat, interpret, and give others' opinions.  JESUS speaks on HIS own and HE speaks with authority, "In truth, I tell you."

With the same authority JESUS drives out demons.  This act also contains a message: JESUS delivers us from the influence of the Devil, who strives to destroy those created in the likeness of GOD.

This "Master of the world" [John 14:30] is present in all human business and culture to deceive human purposes and converts any progress into new slavery.)


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