"After John was arrested, JESUS went into Galilee and began preaching the Good News of GOD. HE said, 'The time has come; the kingdom of GOD is at hand. Change your ways and believe the Good News.'
As JESUS was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee, HE saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. And JESUS said to them, 'Follow ME, and I will make you fish for people.' At once, they abandoned their nets and followed HIM. JESUS went a little farther on, and saw James and John, the sons of Zebedee; they were in their boat mending their nets. Immediately, JESUS called them, and they followed HIM, leaving their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men." - Mark 1:14-20
(After this desert experience, JESUS returns to HIS home province, Galilee, and establishes HIMSELF in Capernaum. JESUS lives in the house of Simon, who already appears to be the leader of a group of fishermen, and among them JESUS finds HIS disciples.
GOD becomes human, JESUS shares the life of the people of HIS time, and like the prophets HE teaches by what HE says and does.
The time has come. What does that mean? The time fixed by GOD has come to an end [Galatians 4:4; Ephesians 1:10], the time of preparation has ended, and the manifestation of GOD announced by the prophets has already begun.
Change your ways and believe the Good News. GOD does not expect works on the part of human beings but calls them to faith. Be rid of all that hampers you, of all that prevents you from seeing and believe! Believe that it is HE, and HE alone who is able to save you!
At once, they abandoned their nets and followed HIM, which means leaving their family and work they began to live with HIM. Like the masters of religion in HIS time, like the rabbis, JESUS instructed HIS first disciples, teaching them what they were to pass on to others in the Church.
Simon, Andrew, James and John. JESUS already knew them: HE had met them where John the Baptist was preaching [John 1:35]. The first nucleus of disciples is this natural group of lake fishermen of which Peter seemed to be the leader. They were most probably young men, ready to make a commitment at a time and in a culture where people were freer than we are from the constraints of work.
They did not yet know what the Reign of GOD would mean but they trusted JESUS to guide them. This for them was the beginning of faith.)
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