Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Misfortunes Of The Rich

"So, now for what concerns the rich!  Cry and weep for the misfortunes that are coming upon you.  Your riches are rotting, and your clothes eaten up by the moths.  Your silver and gold have rusted, and their rust grows into a witness against you.   It will consume your flesh like fire, for having piled up riches in these the last days.
You deceived the workers who harvested your fields but now their wages cry out to the heavens.  The reapers' complaints have reached the ears of the LORD of hosts.  You live in luxury and pleasure in this world thus fattening yourselves for the day of slaughter.  You have easily condemned and killed the innocent since they offered no resistance." - James 5:1-6  
(The rich will lose all they have stockpiled through injustice.  Just as serious as having stolen from the salaries of workers and having condemned those who spoke of justice in the sin against hope.  "The last days already came, and you were looking for riches!"  The last days are those that began with the coming of CHRIST, with the kingdom already there.  James sees the second coming of the LORD as if it was imminent and it is the only way to rightly judge riches.

What was taking place in the poor civilization of James' time is happening again today.  The prosperity of a quarter of the world depends on the system that leaves two billion people in misery.

In our countries money destroys hope in the Christian meaning of the word; life is considered as a fortune to be enjoyed by oneself, without accepting responsibilities, beginning with the transmission of life.  Far removed from us, the safeguarding of our privileges involves, like a series of cascades, the unjust death of millions of people because of famine, oppression and wars.)

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