Tuesday, September 24, 2024

JESUS Sends The Twelve On A Mission

"Then JESUS called HIS Twelve disciples and gave them power and authority to drive out all evil spirits and to heal diseases.  And HE sent them to proclaim the kingdom of GOD and to heal the sick.  HE instructed them, 'Don't take anything for the journey, neither staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and don't even take a spare tunic.  Whatever house you enter, remain there until you leave that place.  And wherever they don't welcome you, leave the town and shake the dust from your feet: it will be as a testimony against them.'
So they set out, and went through the villages, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere." - Luke 9:1-6 
(JESUS has begun HIS mission, HE forms and sends out missionaries.

Apostles mean "sent" and "mission" also means "being sent."  The FATHER has sent HIS Son to earth, and the Son, in turn, sends HIS apostles.  The FATHER sends messengers of HIS word, but HE also sends HIS Spirit to touch the hearts and minds of those who listen.  Through the Spirit they recognize the word of GOD in the poor preaching of these messengers who have received no great instruction.  The Spirit will give signs: healings and astounding graces supporting the witness of the missionaries.)


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