Saturday, September 21, 2024

Put Wisdom Into Practice

"Do not hold back from those who ask your help, when it is in your power to do it.  Do not say to your neighbor, 'Go away!  Come another time; tomorrow I will give it to you!' when you can help him now.
Do not plot evil against your neighbor who lives trustingly beside you, nor fight a man without cause when he has done you no wrong.  Do not envy the man of violence or follow his example.
For YAHWEH hates the wicked but guides the honest.  HE curses the house of the evildoer but blesses the home of the upright.  If there are mockers, HE mocks them in turn, but HE shows HIS favor to the humble." - Proverbs 3:27-34  
(The proverbs insist on the value of advice, discipline, correction: to live as one pleases, according to one's fantasies causes all sorts of misfortune.)

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