Thursday, July 25, 2024

The New Jerusalem

"Come back, faithless people--it is YAHWEH who speaks--for I AM your master.  I will select one from a city and two from a family and bring you to Zion.  Then I will give you shepherds after MY own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and prudence.  And when you have increased and multiplied in the land in those days--it is YAHWEH who speaks--people will no longer speak of the Ark of the Covenant of YAHWEH; it will not be remembered or missed, nor shall it be made again!
Then they will call Jerusalem 'The Throne of YAHWEH' and all the nations will gather there to honor the name of YAHWEH; and no longer will they follow the stubbornness of their wicked hearts." - Jeremiah 3:14-17  
(These words were probably proclaimed by Jeremiah after the destruction of Jerusalem in the year 587 B.C. and they contain promises of restoration.  They were inserted here in the book to tone down the pessimistic impression caused by so many condemnations.  In fact, these threats of punishment had to be completely carried out before GOD would offer new hope.)

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